

(April.24.2002 Juche 91)


Kim Il Sung's ceaseless field inspection of KPA units
70th anniversary of KPA celebrated
Army-people unity in DPRK
Wreaths laid before patriotic martyrs cemetery
Floral baskets to monument to victory in Fatherland Liberation War
Wreaths laid before revolutionary martyrs cemetery on Mt. Taesong
Kim Jong Il sees performance given by troupe of of CPLA
Stamps issued to mark KPA birthday
Cyprian crewmen observe KPA birthday
Wreath laid before Liberation Tower


Kim Il Sung's ceaseless field inspection of KPA units

  Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung had covered a total
of 182,668 Kms to make field inspection of over 3,120 units of the three
services of the Korean People's Army from the liberation of the country to
the last period of his life, according to compiled information. The
president put forward the four-point programme for increasing the political
and military might of the Korean People's Army, a regular army, and
inspected more than 460 units of the KPA for its implementation from
February, Juche 37 (1948) to June Juche 39 (1950).
He set out original military ideas and war tactics such as the ideas of
firmly ensuring the politico-ideological, strategic and tactical advantages
of the army, properly combining large unit operation and small unit
operation, regular army battles and guerrilla battles and successfully
fighting mountain warfares and night operations during the last Fatherland
Liberation War and ceaselessly inspected the front, leading the units of the
three services of the KPA and their sub-units to victory in the war.
He traveled at least 32,548 kms to make field inspection of more than
520 units of the three services of the KPA and their sub-units for
strengthening the revolutionary armed forces in the 1960s.
The president, on a scientific insight into requirements of the modern
warfare in the middle of the 1970s, put forward an original five-point
policy the keynote of which is staunch revolutionary spirit, peculiar and
superb tactics, steel-strong physical body, marksmanship of never missing
targets and iron military decipline and provided ceaseless field guidance to
units of the three services of the KPA and their sub-units in their efforts
to implement it to the letter.
Leader Kim Jong Il always accompanied the president on field guidance
from may Juche 49 (1960) when he inspected the 105 tank division to April
25, Juche 83 (1994), the last period of his life, when he visited KPA unit
no. 564.


70th anniversary of KPA celebrated

  Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Events are taking place one after another
to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army.
Performances of workers and clerks' family art circles from across the
country were given at the Pyongyang Grand Theater and the East Pyongyang
Grand Theater on April 23.
Put on the stage were a poem and chorus "the Korean People's Army, the
army of Mt. Paektu", drum and chorus "the army-based leadership is best" and
other numbers. The performers highly praised the greatness of Supreme
Commander Kim Jong Il who is leading the cause of building a powerful
socialist nation to victory with his unique army-based policy and showed the
strong faith and will of the Korean people to uphold his leadership with
A meeting of youth and students in Pyongyang with anti-Japanese
revolutionary fighters and DPRK heroes was held here on the occasion of the
On the same day, the economic and commercial councilors corps here
visited the Revolutionary Museum of the ministry of the people's armed
forces and the military attaches corps here was invited to the film show
hosted by the ministry.


Army-people unity in DPRK

Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- The army and people in the DPRK love and
help each other as they do their own flesh and blood. In February last
servicemen of the unit of the Korean People's Army to which Pak Yun Du
belongs threw themselves into a house in flames to protect people's lives
and property.
People in Thongchon county, Kangwon Province, miraculously saved a
5-year-old son of an officer of the KPA, who suffered third degree burns on
78 per cent of his body.
It is commonplace in the society that soldiers of the people's army save
children from drowning in rivers at the cost of their lives and people
sincerely assist the army.
The trait of unity between the army and people dates back to the period
of the anti-Japanese armed struggle organized and led by President Kim Il
The Korean People's Revolutionary Army could fight against the Japanese
imperialists for a long period without a home front nor any aid from outside
and achieve the national liberation and the DPRK could defeat the allied
forces of the U.S.-led imperialists in the Korean war, thus defending the
sovereignty of the country and the nation and shattering the "myth" about
the mightiness of the U.S. the unity between the army and people was one of
the important factors of the victories in the wars.
This traditional trait is given fuller play thanks to leader Kim Jong
Il's army-based policy.


Wreaths laid before patriotic martyrs cemetery

Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were laid before the Patriotic
Martyrs Cemetery on April 24 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the
heroic Korean People's Army. Seen in the wreath-laying stand was a wreath
sent by general secretary of Kim Jong Il.
Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were premier of the cabinet Hong
Song Nam, minister of the people's armed forces Iim Il Chol, vice-president
of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly Yang Hyong Sop,
secretaries of the WPK Central Committee Kim Ki Nam and Kim Yong Sun and
other senior party and state officials.
A wreath was laid in the joint name of the WPK Central Committee, the
Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly and the DPRK cabinet.
And wreaths were laid in the name of working people's organizations,
ministries, national institutions, units of the KPA, organs of science,
education, culture and art, public health and the press, party and power
bodies, factories and farms in Pyongyang.
Written on the ribbons of the wreaths were letters "glory to the
patriotic martyrs" bunches of flowers and flowers were laid before the
Then, a guard of honor of the KPA marched in file.


Floral baskets to monument to victory in Fatherland Liberation War

Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Floral baskets were laid before the
monument to victory in the Fatherland Liberation War today on the occasion
of the 70th anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army. Present at the
basket-laying ceremony were Kim Yong Chun, chief of the KPA general staff,
Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, and other
senior party and state officials.
A floral basket was laid before the main theme sculpture "victory" of
the monument in the joint name of the Central Committee and the central
military commission of the WPK.
Floral baskets were also laid in the name of the ministry of the
people's armed forces, working people's organizations, ministries, national
institutions, KPA units, organs of science, education, public health and
press, party and power bodies and factories and other units in the city.
Written on the ribbons of the floral baskets were letters "victory and
glory to officers and men of the heroic Korean People's Army" bouquets and
flowers were laid before the monument.
There was a march-past of a guard of honour of the KPA.
The military attaches' corps here laid a floral basket before the


Wreaths laid before revolutionary martyrs cemetery on Mt. Taesong

Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were laid before the Revolutionary
Martyrs Cemetery on Mt. Taesong this morning on the occasion of the 70th
anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army. A wreath sent by general
secretary of Kim Jong Il was seen on the wreath-laying stand.
Present at the ceremony were Kim Yong Nam, Jo Myong Rok and other senior
party and state officials.
Wreaths were laid in the name of the WPK Central Committee, the
Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly and the DPRK cabinet.
Wreaths were also laid in the name of the Ministry of the People's Armed
Forces, working people's organizations, ministries and national
institutions, KPA units, scientific, educational and media institutions, the
joint organization of the Korean children's union, party and power organs,
working people's organizations, industrial establishments and farms in
Written on the ribbons of the wreaths were letters "glory to the
communist revolutionary martyrs" bouquets and flowers were also placed.
The participants observed a moment's silence in memory of the
revolutionary martyrs. A guard of honor of the KPA marched past.
The military attaches corps here also laid a wreath there.

Kim Jong Il sees performance given by troupe of of CPLA

  Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- General Secretary of Kim Jong Il saw a
performance given by the song and dance troupe of the general political
department of the Chinese Peoples' Liberation Army on a visit to the DPRK at
the Ponghwa Art Theatre yesterday. Artistes of the troupe expressed thanks
to him after presenting a floral basket to him in profound reverence.
He was accompanied by Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political
department of the Korean People's Army, Kim Il Chol, minister of the
People's Armed Forces, Kim Kuk Thae, Jong Ha Chol, Kim Ki Nam and Kim Yong
Sun, secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK, senior officials of
the party and the army and cultural, art and press institutions and creators
and artistes of the armed forces organs.
Also present there were Wang Ahaohai, head of the troupe, Wu Donghe,
Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, and staff members of the embassy, Chinese
students and trainees in the DPRK.
The performance raised its curtain with the chorus of the immortal
revolutionary hymn "song of General Kim Il Sung."
Put on the stage were colorful numbers sincerely prepared by the
artistes of the troupe with friendly feelings towards the Korean people. Its
repertoire included a chorus "defending Huanghe," men's group dance
"crossing steep mountain," soprano "beautiful is my native land pamir" and
the Korean songs "soldiers live near marshal," "a flower girl" from the
revolutionary opera "a flower girl" and "a broad bellflower."
Through their performance, the artistes vividly represented the
energetic endeavours of the Chinese army and people to defend the country
and create a new life and strikingly demonstrated the might of the
traditional relations of friendship between the two armies and peoples.
The performance closed with the chorus "Song of General Kim Jong Il" and
the mixed group dance "friendship dance of the China-DPRK armies." The
performance replete with the DPRK-China friendship was acclaimed by the
Kim Jong Il sent a floral basket to the performers congratulating them
on their successful presentation.


Stamps issued to mark KPA birthday

Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- The Korea Stamp Corporation issued a sheet
and a stamp to commemorate the 70th birthday of the heroic Korean People's
Army. The sheet "the great leaders comrade Kim Il Sung and comrade Kim Jong
Il giving field guidance to a people's army unit" carries their portraits.
Printed in the upper part of it are letters "commemoration of 70th KPA
birthday" and "Juche 21 (1932)-Juche 91 (2002)". Depicted on its lower part
are modern military equipment showing the invincible might of the heroic
The stamp carries on its central part the words reading "April 25" and
"70th anniversary". Depicted on it are a man of the Korean People's
Revolutionary Army blowing a trumpet for advance and soldiers of the KPA
three services with arms of the working class in their hands.


Cyprian crewmen observe KPA birthday

chongjin, April 23 (KCNA) -- Crewmen of a Cyprian-flagged ship met at
Chongjin Port on the east coast of Korea today to celebrate the 70th
anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army. At the meeting speakers said
that the Korean People's Revolutionary Army founded by President Kim Il Sung
on April 25, 1932, had long waged a hard-fought struggle, by relying on the
people as there were no state support nor backup, so as to defeat the
Japanese imperialists and achieve the liberation of Korea.
They noted:
After the liberation of the country it developed into regular armed
forces, the Korean People's Army, under the wise guidance of the president.
The KPA brought the U.S. imperialist aggressors who were boasting of being
the "strongest" in the world to their knees in the last Korean War and
demonstrated to the world the dignity of the Korean people.
Under the wise leadership of General Kim Jong Il the KPA has grown up to
be the strongest armed forces in the world powerful enough to defeat any
formidable enemy at a stroke and reliably defend the country and the people,
they said.


Wreath laid before Liberation Tower

Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski,
plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation to
the far east federal district, and his party laid a wreath before the
Liberation Tower today. Present at the ceremony were Yon Hyong Muk, member
of the DPRK National Defence Commission, Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of
foreign affairs, officials concerned, Andrei Gennadievich Karlov, Russian
ambassador to the DPRK, and staff members of the embassy. A wreath in the
name of the plenipotentiary representative was laid before the tower. They
paid a silent tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Soviet army.
"The Juche Idea means, in a few words, that the owner of the revolution and construction are the masses" : Kim Il Sung
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