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.Defence of global peace and security called for
  Pyongyang, September 5 (KCNA) -- A most important task before humankind
at present is to check and frustrate the imperialists' moves for aggression
and war and defend global peace and security, says Rodong Sinmun today in a
signed article. Noting that it is a crucial issue related to the destiny of
humankind at present to defend the global peace and security, the article
The old forces, which go against the trend of independence challenging
people's desire for peace, are invariably working hard to dominate the world
by force. 
The present situation calls for conducting a vigorous struggle to
frustrate the imperialists' reckless moves for aggression and war and defend
lasting peace and security.
Only when progressive humankind wages a vigorous struggle for peace is
it possible to frustrate the imperialists' moves, ensure lasting global
peace and security and advance popular masses' cause of independence.
If global peace and security are to be protected all the countries and
nations should dynamically wage a joint international struggle to maintain
independence and check the imperialists' moves for aggression and war.
It is necessary, first of all, to enhance the U.N.'s major role in
solving international issues and check all sorts of attempts to violate the
U.N. Charter and principles and norms of the international laws.
The present international situation calls for frustrating the U.S.
arbitrary, high-handed and shameless practices of blatantly snubbing the
U.N. and international laws in a bid to attain its brigandish aim.
It is also necessary to settle all the world disputes peacefully through
political negotiations, not by confrontation.
The present situation also calls for ensuring independence, sovereignty
and territorial integrity in the international relations.
The DPRK will unite close with the world peace-loving people in the new
century and wage a dynamic struggle to check and frustrate the imperialists'
moves for aggression and war in order to achieve world stability and defend
global peace and security.


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