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.Don't Regard Politician's Clamor as Ravings, How Far Japan Is Away From

Japanese Liberal Party chief Ichiro Ozawa openly threatened on April 6 that
Japan could make thousands of nuclear weapons "overnight" to curb China's
"excessive expansion". Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue
sternly pointed out on April 8: Ozawa's remarks were provocative, typically
reflecting an outdated Cold War mentality. However, this wildly arrogant
Japanese might have spoken out Japan's real nuclear potential-Japan is fully
capable of making nuclear weapons overnight enough to destroy the entire

Politician's Frequent Clamor to Wave Nuclear Big Stick
The Japan  Times gives thorough disclosure of the background against which
Ozawa made the remarks. Ozawa brazenly attacked China at a seminar held in
Fukuoka on April 6: "In the event of China's excessive expansion, Japan
would make nuclear weapons to 'curb' China; the plutonium of Japan's nuclear
power plant can fully turn out more than 4,000 nuclear warheads, we'll not
lose to China in terms of military strength!"

Ozawa is not the first Japanese politician who clamors to wave the nuclear
big stick: On June 17, 1994, the then Japanese Prime Minister Hata Tsutomu
openly told reporters: "Japan does have the ability to possess nuclear
weapons." In March 1995, well-known Japanese magazine, Hoseki Gem, revealed
that while accepting the interview by the magazine's correspondent, a senior
Japanese government official said: "Japan can produce atom bomb within 183
days!" In July 2001, Japan set up a special nuclear detachment in the
National Self-defense Corps on the pretext of protecting nuclear safety.

This means Japanese politician is telling the truth.

Japan's Promise to Abide by "Nuclear-related Three-No Principles"
After War World II, Japan's Constitution forbids Japan to possess nuclear
weapons, beginning in 1956 the Japanese government declared that it would
abide by the "nuclear-related three-no principles", i.e., forbidding Japan
to possess nuclear weapons, to produce nuclear weapons and to introduce any
nuclear weapons. On November 24, 1971, Japanese Diet formally included the
"nuclear-related three-no principles" into the law; in 1976 the Japanese
government signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and made further
promise: it will "not develop, not use, and not allow the transfer of
nuclear weapons in its territory."

How Far Japan Is Away From Nuke
To know how far Japan is away from nuclear weapon, it is necessary first to
make an examination of its nuclear capability: First of all, Japan possesses
advanced, comprehensive nuclear technology. Although Japan currently still
lacks nuclear weapons, it has the world's first-rate nuclear energy
technology and 49 nuclear power stations with an annual power output of
about 40,000 megawatt, ranking in the frontline of the world. Japan also
possesses multiplication reactor technology that has all along been the key
and difficult points in nuclear technology research. Secondly, Japan
possesses super-strong computer simulation nuclear blasting capability.
Thirdly, Japan is actively exploring new technology for obtaining nuclear
raw materials. Fourthly, Japan possesses extremely high-level nuclear
warhead-carrying technology. Fifthly, Japan stores astonishing nuclear raw
materials. By the year 2010, Japan's gross plutonium reserves will reach 100
tons, thus making it the world's number 1 country with the largest plutonium
storage. After deducting normal nuclear reactor consumption, it still has a
surplus of over 60 tons. One ton plutonium can make 120 nuclear warheads, it
is self-evident how many nuclear warheads these plutonium can make.

Japan's Nuclear Policy Becomes Increasingly Disturbing
Although Japan has signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, its
attitude, however, arouses suspicion. As early as 1967 period when
discussion began on "nuclear non-proliferation", Japan was astonishingly
passive. It strongly opposed the "nuclear non-proliferation" treaty for it
maintain that the treaty did not stipulate the obligation of nuclear
countries to cut down nuclear weapons, and only prohibited non-nuclear
countries from developing nuclear weapons.

After the conclusion of the Cold War, the world pattern clearly tended to
become multi-polarized, Japan's role in Asia, particularly East Asia,
further improved. From the long-term point of view, the possibility of
Japan's pursuit of independent defense capability is on the rise. Japan
"will not count on permanent US mild nuclear protection policy", even if the
United States   was willing to provide such protection, Japan's national
interest could not invariably be identical with that of the United States,
"Japan will ultimately be independently responsible for its own security".
This has enormously increased the possibility of Japan's development of
nuclear weapons. Given this situation, don't regard Ozawa's threatening
remarks as merely foolish talks.



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