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Habana, August 31 (RHC)--Share indexes fell on Wall Street yesterday with
the news that the European Commission would be expanding its charges against
Microsoft Corporation for including Media Player in its program, which
limits user preferences.

The operating systems of Window 2000 and Windows XP both include such
software, which gives them an unfair advantage over competitors, says the
new complaint. Media Player permits one to see and hear audio and video
files on the computer.

The Commission said it would not attempt to block the distribution of the
new Windows XP system, but would energetically pursue Microsoft under
anti-trust legislation. Due to its current monopoly on the world market,
Microsoft maintains an unfair advantage over its competitors, claims the

The charges brought against Microsoft are separate from those brought
against the software giant in the US, in which 17 states have filed
anti-monopoly cases against it. Microsoft was found guilty as charged in a
June court ruling.

The Wall Street effect on the second most important corporation in the US
was to drive prices down, ending the day with a slide of 100 points.
Microsoft's share price dropped from $5.18 to $3.15 after the announcement
was made.

[Via Communist Internet... ]

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