
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 08 April 2002 08:01
To: jonathan
Subject: Robert Fisk on current ME crisis!!!

R Fisk comments on G Bush's speech .

   But of course, the White House, which according to the Israeli press
   has repeatedly been asking Mr Sharon how long he intends to reoccupy
   the Palestinian cities of the West Bank, is to give the Israeli Prime
   Minister more time to finish his invasion, destroy the Palestinian
   infrastructure and dismantle the Palestinian Authority.

(article not for cross posting)


   The Independent

Robert Fisk: A speech laced with obsessions and little else

05 April 2002

   Ariel Sharon could not have done better. The heaping of blame upon an
   occupied people, the obsessive use of the word terror - by my rough
   count there were 50 references in just 10 minutes - and the brief,
   frightened remarks about "occupation" and (one mention only) to Jewish
   settlements and the need for Israeli "compassion" at the end were
   proof enough that President Bush had totally failed to understand the
   tragedy he is supposedly trying to solve.

   The mugger became the victim and the victim became the mugger. What, I
   wonder, is the exact distance between the Rose Garden and Bethlehem?
   So the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, is travelling to "the
   region'' next week. Next week? Why not now?

   But of course, the White House, which according to the Israeli press
   has repeatedly been asking Mr Sharon how long he intends to reoccupy
   the Palestinian cities of the West Bank, is to give the Israeli Prime
   Minister more time to finish his invasion, destroy the Palestinian
   infrastructure and dismantle the Palestinian Authority.

   The speech was laced with all the "war on terror'' obsessions: Iraq as
   a sponsor of terror for donating money to a family of Palestinian
   "martyrs'', and Syria for not making up its mind if it is "for or
   against terror''.

   The European Union, fearful of rising oil prices and their effect on
   the eurozone economy, had earlier dispatched a mission to Israel; with
   typical contempt, Mr Sharon told its members they could not visit
   Yasser Arafat in Ramallah. The delegation, which had earlier announced
   that the Americans had failed in their mission as peacemaker in the
   Middle East, simply packed up and left Tel Aviv within hours.

   But will Mr Powell do any better? The dollar has fallen against world
   currencies because of the Middle East crisis - as good a reason as any
   for Mr Bush to act - and the possible restrictions on Middle East oil
   production, though more damaging to Europe, must have helped to prompt
   the President's decision to dispatch Mr Powell.

   The Palestinian suicide bombings, however, were the core of Mr Bush's
   address. He talked of the 18-year-old Palestinian girl who blew
   herself up and killed a 17-year-old Israeli girl, the Jewish state's
   "dream'' of peace with its neighbours. "Terror must be stopped ... no
   nation can negotiate with terrorists ... leaderships not terror ...
   you're either with the civilised world or you're with the terrorists
   ... all in the Middle East ... must move in word and deed against
   terrorists ... I call on the Palestinian Authority to do everything in
   their power to stop terrorist activities.'' Arafat had agreed to
   control "terrorism'' - "he failed'.' The reoccupation of the West Bank
   was a "temporary measure'', Mr Bush announced, trusting the word of
   the Israeli occupiers. "Suicide bombing missions could well blow up
   the only hope of a Palestinian state.''

   On it went, 11 September-speak applied to the Middle East. Israel's
   enemies must be eliminated - Al Aqsa, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and
   Hizbollah, which yesterday beat up a UN observer on the Lebanese
   border in the most dangerous incident of its kind since the Israeli
   withdrawal in 2000. The whole Bush speech revolved around Israel's
   wellbeing, with scarcely three minutes devoted to the Palestinians and
   their 35 years under occupation. Israel should, Mr Bush decided, show
   a "respect'' for and "concern'' for the Palestinian people.

   There was some ritual mention of UN Security Council resolutions 242
   and 338, which calls for Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied
   in the 1967 war but which Mr Sharon has already said he cannot accept,
   and an appeal to halt settlement building. But Jewish settlements are
   still being built, at an ever-faster rate, on Palestinian land.

   Only a heart of stone could not respond to the suffering of those
   Israeli families whose loved ones have been so wickedly cut down by
   the Palestinian suicide bombers. But where was Mr Bush's compassion
   for the vastly greater number of Palestinians who have been killed by
   the Israelis over the past 19 months, or his condemnation of Israel's
   death squads, house demolition and land theft? They simply didn't
   exist in the Bush speech.

   The money for "martyrs" does not, of course, only go to the kin of
   suicide bombers - it goes to families of all those killed by Israelis,
   most of whom have been struck down by American-made weapons.
   Certainly, America has never offered to make reparations for the
   innocents killed by the air-to-ground missiles and shells it has sold
   to Israel.

   Far more instructive than the Bush speech was the measured, fair way
   in which Terje Larson, the UN's special Middle East envoy, and Nigel
   Roberts, the local director of the World Bank, tried to describe the
   tragedy. In a short press conference they appealed to both sides to
   end violence and respect international law and cited Israel as well as
   the Palestinians for breaking it. The so-called Israeli "closed
   military areas" were, Mr Larson said, "illegitimate and in direct
   violation of the [Oslo] Agreements". Mr Roberts talked of the surge in
   violence as a threat that could "consign to history the unique
   opportunity for reconciliation''.

   But "closed military areas" achieved another Israeli victory over the
   Western television satellite stations. Yesterday, the BBC, Sky and
   CNN, with their own crews largely prevented from filming in the
   reoccupied Palestinian cities, all ran footage of the Bethlehem battle
   taken by Israeli soldiers. Rather than refuse to use the tape unless
   their own crews were permitted access to the carnage, the three
   channels all dutifully used the film taken by the army of occupation.
   Another milestone in the collapse of journalism in the Middle East.
   But not so serious as the collapse of America's peace-making.

   © 2002 Independent (UK) Ltd


Message: 12
   Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 23:19:34 +0200
   From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Nobel's regrets on Peres award

Nobel's regrets on Peres award

Members of the Norwegian committee that awards the annual Nobel Peace Prize
have launched an unprecedented verbal assault on Israeli Foreign Minister
and Nobel peace laureate Shimon Peres.
Mr Peres accepted the peace prize jointly with the Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat and Israel's late prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin, in 1994.

In an interview with a Norwegian newspaper, committee members said they
regretted that Mr Peres' prize could not be recalled because, as a member of
the Israeli cabinet, he had not acted to prevent Israel's re-occupation of
Palestinian territory.

One member said Mr Peres had not lived up to the ideals he expressed when he
accepted the prize.

"What is happening today in Palestine is grotesque and unbelievable," said
Hanna Kvanmo.

"Peres is responsible, as part of the government. He has expressed his
agreement with what [Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon is doing," she

"If he had not agreed with Sharon, then he would have withdrawn from the

Oslo Bishop Gunnar Stalsett, a committee member for the past eight years,
describes as "absurd" what he sees as the involvement of a Nobel laureate in
human rights abuses.

Other committee members argue that the Israeli government's actions in
general and Mr Peres' involvement in particular are threatening to bring the
prize into disrepute.

Ms Kvanmo said however that "at the time, it was a correct decision" to
honour Peres.

"He was the one of the three that really deserved the prize, because he took
the initiative to the talks that led to the Oslo accords," she said.

Committee chairman Geir Lundestad voiced the concern of several members that
if Mr Arafat were to be killed as a result of Israeli actions, one Nobel
laureate might in effect be said to have killed the other.




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