
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
April 18, 2002

Moldova: Are Democracy And Statehood In Peril?
By Eugen Tomiuc

-[T]his week's survey...indicates that pro-Moscow
Communists, who won more than 50 percent of the vote
in general elections last year (February 2001), now
enjoy the support of 73 percent of Moldovans.
-The Communists came to power promising to return
living standards in Europe's poorest country to
Soviet-era levels by bringing Moldova closer to
Russia, and into the Russia-Belarus Union.

An opinion poll in Moldova this week came to the
surprising conclusion that the popularity of the
ruling Communists is on the rise, despite a
three-month, antigovernment protest led by the main
opposition party. Analysts say the protesters' calls
to overthrow a democratically elected government have,
in fact, only strengthened the Communists' position.
They also say the current political turmoil and
absence of stable political parties threaten Moldova's
young democracy, as well as the very existence of a
Moldovan state. 

Prague, 18 April 2002 (RFE/RL) -- Moldovan protesters
have been staging mass antigovernment demonstrations
in the center of the capital Chisinau since January.
But an opinion poll published on 16 April found that
the popularity of the Communists was rising, despite
-- or even as a result of -- the protests. At the same
time, analysts say the current political turmoil and
lack of stable political parties are posing a threat
to democracy in Moldova.

Demonstrations organized and led by the opposition
Christian Democratic People's Party (PPCD) began on 9
January after the government imposed the mandatory
study of Russian in Moldovan schools and announced
plans to make Russian an official language alongside

The plans were subsequently dropped, but demonstrators
continued to gather, pressing for the resignation of
the country's Communist government. Protests peaked
last month, with an estimated 50,000 people rallying
in Chisinau on 31 March. 

However, this week's survey -- conducted by IMAS, an
independent polling organization in neighboring
Romania -- indicates that pro-Moscow Communists, who
won more than 50 percent of the vote in general
elections last year (February 2001), now enjoy the
support of 73 percent of Moldovans.

Commentators say the poll's findings are not
surprising. Moldovan-affairs analyst Charles King of
Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., told RFE/RL
that the protesters are in the minority.

"My view -- and the view of many analysts, I think,
outside Moldova -- is that [the protesters] probably
aren't terribly representative. In fact, the current
demonstrations may have the long-term undesirable
consequence of actually strengthening the position of
the Communist government. This was a government that
was elected in elections that were deemed by all
parties -- even the current opposition -- to be free
and fair," King said.

The PPCD won only 9 percent of the vote in last year's
election. The current opinion poll found the party's
popularity to have dwindled even further, with the
support of only about 6 percent of Moldovans. 

The Communists came to power promising to return
living standards in Europe's poorest country to
Soviet-era levels by bringing Moldova closer to
Russia, and into the Russia-Belarus Union.

Communist President Vladimir Voronin also pledged to
step up efforts to resolve a decade-long dispute with
Moldova's separatist Transdniester Republic -- a
pro-Russian region near the eastern border with
Ukraine. Moldova and Transdniester -- which declared
independence in 1990 -- fought a short but bloody war
in 1992, and have yet to reach an agreement. 

Most of Moldova was part of Romania until World War II
and some two-thirds of its 4.5 million people speak
what is officially called Moldovan -- virtually the
same language as Romanian -- while most of the rest
speak Russian.

Pro-Romanian circles in Moldova, primarily represented
by the PPCD, have seen the Communists' pro-Russian
rhetoric as an attempt to bring the country back into
the Russian sphere of influence -- something they have
vowed to oppose. 

With only 11 seats in Moldova's 101-seat parliament,
the PPCD has limited political power. But its leaders
pledged to resort to civic actions to prevent what
they call "the re-Russification" of Moldova. Many
analysts, however, say Moldovans are indifferent to
both the pro-Russian rhetoric of the Communists and
the pro-Romanian stance of the PPCD. 

With an average income of less than $1 per day,
Moldovans may favor the Communists only out of
nostalgia for the more prosperous days of the Soviet

Analyst Vladimir Socor of the U.S.-based Jamestown
Foundation said the country's endemic poverty is the
result of a decade of failed economic reforms that
compromised the very idea of a market economy.

Socor told RFE/RL that the PPCD is losing support
because it has failed to present credible solutions to
Moldova's economic and political crisis.

"One [of the main causes for the party's dwindling
popularity] is the limited capacity of PPCD leaders
for coming up with demands [regarding issues] which
could be attractive for Moldova's population as a
whole, as well as for offering solutions to the
current crisis. PPCD has neither the leaders nor the
specialists who could come up with such programs and
proposals," Socor said.

Analysts say Moldova also lacks solid, long-lasting
political parties. The exception are those organized
around emotional issues -- at one extreme, the
Communists' nostalgia for the Soviet Union; at the
other, the PPCD's pro-Romanian stance. 

King of Georgetown University says both sides stake
their claim to authority in Moldova on emotions rather
than solid political strategies. The PPCD, he adds, is
a Christian-Democrat party only by name, not by
ideological orientation. 

King told RFE/RL, "There is virtually no party --
largely because I think there's no constituency --
that would articulate either a center-left or
center-right orientation that would have a particular
view on economic reform or on foreign policy, or a
particular view on how to resolve the situation in

Socor of the Jamestown Foundation, however, said the
absence of an established political center is the
result of Moldova's political fragmentation rather
than the absence of a moderate, center-oriented

Socor said some 30 percent of Moldovans voted for
center parties in last year's election. But due to
Moldova's proportional-representation system, their
votes were shared between Communists -- who acquired
the lion's share -- and the PPCD, who got a small part
of these votes. 

Commentators agree that the continued dispute between
the Communists and the PPCD could endanger Moldova's
only political gain over the past decade: the
establishment of a procedural democracy marked by
several rounds of relatively free and fair
presidential and parliamentary elections. 

Analysts also point to the apparent paradox of the
fact that Moldova's political class is composed
principally of two major groups, the Communists and
the PPCD, neither of which is convinced that a
Moldovan state should actually exist.

King said this situation endangers the future of
Moldova itself. "You have one group [the Communist
Party] that is nostalgic for a time when there wasn't
a Moldovan state and the other [the pro-Romanian PPCD]
that sees the Moldovan state as a political and
historical accident. So, in that kind of context one
has to be rather skeptical about the degree to which a
Moldova can actually exist in the future."

King said both Russia and Romania, however, have so
far acted with restraint in responding to the
situation in Moldova. In Romania's case, he said, the
country may be too preoccupied with its current NATO
bid to pay much attention to the Moldovan crisis. 

King also says Russia has shown only limited interest
in Moldova's internal affairs. But Russia and Moldova
have what both sides call a strategic partnership, and
Moscow maintains some 2,500 troops and a huge arsenal
in Transdniester. 

Russia in 1999 pledged under international pressure to
withdraw its troops and equipment by the end of this
year, but the process has stalled. 

Socor said he believes the future of Moldova, as well
as stability in the region, rests on whether Russia
withdraws its troops. He said he is skeptical that
Russia will abandon Transdniester.

"Even the Communists in Chisinau will realize that
Moscow is not interested in resolving the
Transdniester problem in a way which would consolidate
Moldova's independence and sovereignty. The Communists
will understand that on the contrary, Moscow wants a
solution that will weaken Moldova and grant Russia the
role of a permanent referee between Moldova and
Transdniester -- with troops on the ground. The
Western powers undoubtedly will realize the danger
that here in Moldova a second Kaliningrad region might
appear -- a Russian military exclave far from Russia
itself, which will allow Russia to deploy troops in
the region," Socor said.

In the wake of the 11 September attacks against the
U.S. and the subsequent U.S.-led war on terrorism,
fears arose that weapons stockpiled in Transdniester
could end up in the hands of international terrorist

Rudolf Perina, special U.S. envoy to the region, said
in Chisinau on 17 April that the U.S. supports the
territorial integrity and sovereignty of Moldova.
Perina said the Transdniester dispute should be
resolved within the Moldovan state.

Analysts say that now, following the U.S. murmurs of
support, there is increased hope that Moldova can
resolve its conflict with the Transdniester
separatists. But it falls to the Moldovan people alone
to see whether they can preserve their frail democracy
-- and their state.

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