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[Having sorted out all perplexing administrative,
racial, cultural and linguistic issues in Corsica,
Guadalupe, French Guiana, Martinique, the Central
African Republic, Congo Brazzaville and other members
- voluntarily or otherwise, but rarely the first - of
the so-called French Community of Nations; or, as some
sceptics call it, the residue of the French colonial
empire. After all, how could a leading light of the
NATO Quint be guilty of forcibly occupying and
exploiting peoples thousands of miles away from
mainland France?]   

Tuesday August 28, 10:30 PM
French minister visits troops; will seek Macedonian
figure on arms
PIPER CAMP, Macedonia, Aug 28 (AFP) - 
French Defence Minister Alain Richard paid a brief
visit to his country's troops in Macedonia Tuesday,
and said he would seek clarification from the
Macedonian government on its figures for the number of
arms in rebel hands.
Expressing the hope that Macedonia's different
factions would work together to make a peace deal
stick, Richard said he would ask Macedonian Defence
Minister Vlado Buckovski for details on the arms data.
The Macedonian government has given high estimates of
the number of arms held by the ethnic Albanian
National Liberation Army (NLA), putting it variously
at between 60,000 and 100,000.
However NATO has said its plans call for it to collect
just 3,300 weapons from the NLA during the 30-day
Essential Harvest operation, which is due to usher in
a peace agreement.
Richard, who was due to meet Buckovski later on
Tuesday, said he would "ask him to give me the
intelligence data on which (the Macedonian figures)
are based."
The French minister also said that any move to extend
the NATO mission beyond the prescribed 30 days --
which began on Monday -- would be a "political
decision" that was not on the cards for the moment.
"We believe this mission will go well and that it will
be fulfilled within the given timetable of a month,"
he said.
Expressing hope that the peace agreement would stick,
he told journalists: "Anyone considered breaking from
the accord would bear a very heavy responsibility."
"If anyone has another strategy, let him explain it
and back it up."
France is providing more than 500 of the 3,500 troops
involved in the operation, the second largest
contingent after Britain.

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