----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 1:16 AM


MARIB, YEMEN (Institute for Islamic Research and Studies): Since the morning of Tuesday 18 December 2001, US warplanes have been bombing the Husoun village in Marib, Yemen, situated about 200km South East of Sanaa. The reason for this bombing is due to the refusal of the Ale-Jalal tribe to hand over Mujahideen to the Yemeni Government which was given a list of names by the US Government just before Ramadan began (mid-November 2001). The Mujahideen concerned thus informed the tribal leaders at the beginning of Ramadan that they would leave the villages and retire to the mountains. The Mujahideen thus left the village under the leadership of Abu Ali Al-Harithi and amongst them were Abu Asim, Abu Ibrahim and Ayman. When Ramadan finished, these Mujahideen returned briefly to the village in order to celebrate Eid with their families. The Yemeni Government was alerted to their return and they informed the US Air Force, who in turn began to bomb targets in the village whilst Yemeni Special Forces entered the village on foot.

However, the tribesmen were ready and prepared for such an encounter and they fiercely resisted the onslaught, killing eight Yemeni Special Forces troops and capturing 100. They also destroyed four armoured vehicles and captured nine Toyota 4WD jeeps in addition to an assortment of light and medium weapons with ammunition. The Yemeni forces thus retreated from the villages and called in American air support after suffering this heavy defeat. After Isha prayers on Tuesday night, US warplanes attacked the village, destroying the houses of Abu Ali Al-Harithi and Abu Asim in addition to the houses of two other Egyptian Mujahideen. Three women are confirmed to have been killed and dozens of civilians, including children, injured in this barbaric act of terrorism in a residential area. Exact details of casualties will be provided once possible.

The Yemeni Government strongly denied claims that US warplanes had taken part in this operation, insisting instead that it was their own planes that participated. However, in addition to the presence of US markings on some unexploded bombs, the houses of those in question were destroyed with such accuracy and it is known that the Yemeni Air Force does not have the capability to possess or use such accurate weapons.

This terrorist act proves that the 'War Against Terror' is infact a war against Islam that has nothing to do with Usama Bin Ladin, nor a finite number of individuals. Rather it is a war against true Islam that rejects subjugation by the Crusaders upon the Muslims. After Yemen, the war against Islam is expected to spread to other Muslim countries such Somalia, Iraq, Indonesia and Sudan perhaps. Has not the time come for Muslims to awake from their deep sleep and realise that this Crusade is a war against Islam that does not differentiate between those 'Muslims' who support the Crusaders and those who oppose them? The US Government will not be satisfied with the Muslims except in two circumstances:

1. That the Muslims follow and obey them 100% much the same way as the Northern Alliance and Hamid Karzai, etc. have in Afghanistan, implenting all their laws, rules and commands.

2. That if it is not possible for the US to completely attack and destroy a Muslim country, then they will attempt to turn the government of that country against its own people under the banner of its 'War Against Terror', such that the governments of the Muslim countries become involved and occupied in civil wars against their own people.

Therefore after all these recent events, if any Muslim still remains unconvinced that this Crusade is a war against Islam, then he is ignorant and blind to the reality around him.

The Muslims in every part of the World are reminded yet again to increase in their supplications for Allah to grant victory to the Mujahideen in every land, and especially in Afghanistan; to destroy the disbelievers, especially America; to steady the shooting of the Mujahideen and to destabilise the shooting of the Crusaders and their allies; that He makes the feet of the Mujahideen firm and that He shakes the ground beneath the feet of the Crusaders; that He strengthens the hearts of the Mujahideen and places fear into the hearts of the Crusaders and their allies; and that He grants victory to the Mujahideen and routs and humiliates the Crusaders and their allies, as He has Power over that. Ameen.

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