Interesting...while Reuters refers to Venezuela as  being "oil rich", they also
admit, with their own words, admit, quote "the vast majority of Venezuelans
live in poverty in the world's No. 4 oil exporter".
This same pro- capitalist Reuters, so called "news" agency that in other
stories, would have you believe that  Chavez's popularity among Venezuelans
is falling do to his land, business and banking reforms that he is bringing in
for the benefit the "vast majority" who are poor!
I guess opinions on Chavez's popularity depends who you choose to ask .....and
who's views you choose to print!

----- Original Message -----
From: Jose G. Perez
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2001 2:39 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Chavez: Cuba-Venezuela comparisons "crazy"

By Magdalena Morales
CARACAS, Venezuela, Dec 19 (Reuters) -
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday
dismissed as 'crazy' suggestions by political opponents
he was seeking to establish a Cuban-style communist
system in his oil-rich country.

 In a speech apparently aimed at allaying fears in the
armed forces about his intentions, the former paratrooper
told soldiers in south-western Venezuela that he had
respect and friendship for Cuba and its president, Fidel

'Cuba has its communist regime, and it's one we respect
because it's not our problem,' Chavez said, visiting a garrison
at Guasdualito in Apure State, near the border with Colombia.

'Anyone who says that Chavez is Cubanizing the country and
is going to establish the same kind of regime here which Cuba
and Fidel Castro has, is, quite simply, crazy,' Chavez said.

Since he was swept to power in a landslide election victory
in 1998, the outspoken president has pledged to implement a
self-proclaimed 'revolution' to help the majority of Venezuelans
who live in poverty in the world's No. 4 oil exporter.

He has decreed radical reform laws covering oil, land,
fisheries and finance which his critics say are left-wing in
conception and inspired by Castro's Cuba. Last Dec. 10,
opponents of the laws staged a one-day national protest strike,
which was widely supported and shut down most of the country.

Unlike Cuba, which has a one-party socialist constitution,
Venezuela has a multiparty political system. Havana is the
target of long-running U.S. trade sanctions, while Venezuela is
a major supplier of crude oil to the U.S. market.
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