
Dear friends in Indonesia,

I want to support your campaign, and am forwarding
your message to some other mailing lists and to
some Usenet newsgroups.

I'm also a member of two organizations here in
Sweden which you can probably count on for

Folket i Bild / Kulturfront (Sweden)


Clarté (Sweden)

These will get this message too.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden

>To:             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date:   Wed, 03 Jul 2002 17:24:56 +0300
>Subject:        Indonesia. Appeal  for Solidarity.
>Organization: ACTUS
>Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 12:31:43 +0200
>Subject: Appeal  for Solidarity
>     Date:
>          Wed, 03 Jul 2002 16:05:42 +0700
>       De:
>          patria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>       A:
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED], ....
>  Jakarta 1  July 2002
>Dear friends,
>This letter is a world-wide campaign for international solidarity from
>of millions of Indonesian ex-political prisoners and their families in
>difficult struggle to restore their civil rights and to defend their
>dignity. Because of the extremely inhuman treatment suffered by them, we
>draw your attention to the following aspects :
>During the Suharto military regime (which lasted over 30 years),
>arbitrary detentions, kidnappings and so forth, were commonplace
>Indonesia. The worst period was 1965-1966 when about 3 millions people
>killed, and about 1,8 million people arbitrarily detained without
>trials, in prisons and detention camps controlled by the military, or by
>police units.
>Thanks to the pressure of international public opinion most of the
>prisoners have been released, though in many cases after more than 10
>imprisonment. Many were in bad health, many were aged.  Some had been
>despoiled of property due to illegal confiscation by the military
>authorities (land, houses and valuables).
>The detainees came from all walks of life : military officers and common
>soldiers, civil servants, teachers, trade union leaders, and other
>mass-organisations (women, students, peasants etc) . Most were detained
>because of their supposed links with, or sympathy for, the Indonesian
>Communist Party (PKI), or because of mere false accusations.
>The political prisoners suffered from all kids of ill-treatment and many
>worked as forced labourers. Tens of millions of their families at home
>also victims of systematic state terrorism and psychological persecution
>during more than 30 years and many still suffer profound trauma, to this
>In the first years after release,  many ex-political prisoners received
>limited and temporary aid from the Catholic and Protestant churches.
>aid was invaluable since even after release the military regime
>continued to
>treat them ( and their families) inhumanely.  The downfall of the
>regime has not eradicated this practise.
>Even today, ex-political prisoners suffer from administrative
>promulgated by the Suharto regime, which deprived them of civil rights.
>Former government civilian and military employees, sacked during the
>regime, receive no pensions or salaries. Those who are of age to work
>not allowed to work.  They receive no health service. Many live in
>poverty. They are treated as secondary citizens or pariahs. Even until
>political persecution and psychological persecution is pursued
>Indonesia (by the political remnants of the military regime and a part
>the fundamentalist sections of the Moslem community).
>In order to defend their fundamental rights as human beings and as
>ex-political prisoners  have created an organisation “ Institute of
>for the Rehabilitation of Victims of the New Order” (Lembaga Perjuangan
>Rehabilitasi Korban Rezim Orde Baru -- called LEMBAGA). LEMBAGA, a
>non-governmental organisation, was launched  on 16 January 2000 in
>and is now implanted in many provinces and regions, including Java,
>Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi (Celebes), Bali, Maluku (Moluccas). Its
>adherents are of various ethnic groups and religions.
>The principal aims of this organisation are to urge the Indonesian
>government to abolish at last the repressive regulations and decrees
>to ex-political prisoners and other victims of the Suharto government
>and to
>rehabilitate fully their civil rights  In co-operation with other
>forces, LEMBAGA will struggle against the remnants of inhuman policies
>the military regime of Suharto. Together with other national and
>international organisations, LEMBAGA will promote democratic struggle
>peaceful reforms in political, economical and social life in Indonesia.
>To strengthen our struggle in Indonesia, LEMBAGA needs the help and
>of solidarity of other organisations abroad;
>         a) We would like, together with other Indonesian organisations,
>to launch a
>world-wide campaign about the human rights of the tens of millions of
>ex-political prisoners and their families
>         b) To achieve this aim, we would like to close regular contact
>with your
>organisation, and with your help to establish links with other relevant
>organisations in different countries
>         c)      We would like your solidarity in making known our aims
>to international
>public opinion
>         d)      We need your moral and material/financial  support to
>achieve our aims
>in the difficult political, economical and social environment of
>In order to know more about the difficult and inhuman present situation
>the ex-political prisoners and their families,  we propose to your
>organisation TO SEND URGENTLY a representative (delegation) to
>Together with other Indonesian organisations with similar aims, we will
>glad to welcome your delegation in Indonesia. With this visit, we will
>the occasion to present to you more information about these problems,
>and to
>study together what can we do in the very near future.
>The secretariat of our head-office is situated in Jakarta, with the
>address :
>LEMBAGA,    Jalan Raya Bogor  Km 22 number 31,  Jakarta Timur 13830.
>The  phone number of our Secretariat is : 62-21- 8400309
>E-mail of the President of the  Institute :
>We thank  you in advance for your attention and your support of
>to this appeal..
>Jakarta, 1 July  2002
>On behalf of the Institute of Advocacy for the Rehabilitation of Victims
>the New Order
>(Lembaga Perjuangan Rehabilitasi Korban Orde Baru  -  Lembaga)
>    President                                   Secretary General
>( Sumaun Utomo )                                (Ahmad Subarto)
>P.O. Box 66
>00841 Helsinki
>Phone +358-40-7177941
>Fax +358-9-7591081


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