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Workers World Party statement answering 'National Security 

The arrogant corporate gang now controlling the White 
House has issued a "National Security Statement" that is 
nothing short of a blueprint for Washington and Wall 
Street's domination of the world. It is a declaration of 
war on the world's working class and all oppressed 
peoples. Under cover of empty promises of justice and 
freedom, It is a message to all countries that still 
maintain some independence to submit their population to 
the capitalist market controlled by imperialist 
monopolies. It is a message even to all imperialist 
rivals-Japan and Western Europe-that they must accept U.S. 
hegemony or suffer consequences. It promises that U.S. 
forces will occupy the world and demands all other 
countries contribute their youth for cannon fodder and 
their wealth to pay the costs. 

Not even Hitler Germany could dare to make such a broad 
claim to the wealth, resources and hands-on control of the 
entire world. It even demands that there be no progressive 
income taxes. As the Roman Empire ruled ancient Europe and 
the Mediterranean, the National Security Statement would 
have the U.S. Empire rule the world in the 21st century.

Workers World Party notes that those who drafted this 
statement themselves stole a national election where they 
lost the popular vote and that they consorted with 
corporate heads who are now recognized as some of the 
biggest crooks in the country. Yet they have the gall to 
demand "democracy" and an end to corruption throughout a 
world market they intend to dominate.

But the Bush administration is not simply a gang of 
usurpers. They represent the U.S. imperialist ruling 
class--the bankers, billionaires, financiers, plus the 
generals, CEOs and politicians who serve them. They 
command the Pentagon, that is, the most dangerous 
collection of weapons of mass destruction known to human 
history. They can intimidate presidents and prime 
ministers throughout the world. They appear invincible. 
Except, except for one thing.

There is still one force that can stop them. It can stop 
them if it is conscious of its own interests and it 
organizes on its own behalf. That force is the working 
class and oppressed peoples throughout the world and 
especially the working class in the United States. To 
build the Pentagon's weapons of mass destruction they need 
the submission of the U.S. workers. To command the 
Pentagon they need a willing supply of troops recruited 
from that same class. To impose their will on the world 
they need to stamp out resistance in every country, if 
every country's people are determined to resist.

The Bush gang makes its "National Security Statement" at a 
time when it is robbing the working class here of all its 
security. It is press-ganging government workers into its 
security apparatus to rob them of their unions and their 
rights. It has overseen a massive rise in unemployment as 
the capitalist system enters a crisis of unknown duration. 
It's main "job program" is that of occupation troop-and 
lightning rod for the misery of the world's people.

Workers World Party, on the eve of its Sept. 21-22, 2002, 
emergency national conference, answers the "National 
Security Statement" with our own "International Solidarity 
Statement." We reject completely the concept that the 
United States has any more rights than any other nation in 
the world, and we will fight instead for the concept of 
equality among all nations. We call on all class-conscious 
workers, progressives, anti-racist fighters, those who 
struggle against all forms of bigotry and for the 
liberation of women and of gay, lesbian, bi- and 
transgender people, for the rights of immigrants, to join 
together to struggle against this outrageous blueprint for 
a U.S. Empire. We promise the workers and their 
organizations all over the world that we will pursue this 
struggle and we hope for their solidarity and mutual 
assistance. Only the international solidarity of the 
workers and oppressed peoples can stop the U.S. Empire 
before it seizes the world.

National Committee, Workers World Party
September 20, 2002

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