Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:38 AM

Former U.S. Secretary of State - Syria, Not Iraq, Should Be Next
Target in War Against Terror

General Alexander M. Haig, Jr., who has held three high ranking
positions in past U.S. administrations, namely - Secretary of
State, White House Chief of Staff, and NATO supreme
commander, said that Syria, not Iraq, should be the next target in
the war against terrorism.

In an interview earlier this week with UPI, Haig said that Syria's
"footprints" are much clearer than Iraq's, but added "This doesn't
mean that Iraq isn't a more venal threat ... ".

"Syria" Haig declared "is a terrorist state by any definition and is
so classified by the State Department. I happen to think Iran is,

The downfall of Bin Laden's Al Qaeda terror network in
Afghanistan "did not neutralize the venality of other (terrorist)
tentacles, such as Islamic Jihad, Hamas and Hezbollah," he
explained, organizations that would not hesitate to provide
assistance to al Qaeda members. Syria and Iran, he claimed,
are the sponsors of these "terrorist" groups, not Iraq.

Haig pointed out that it would take an estimated 100,000 combat
troops for the United States to take on Iraq. "We have to
recognize that we had far more people over there the first time
than we ever needed" he stated, referring to the 1991 war.

"The Gulf War itself was fought essentially by two units." Haig
added. "Saddam is not part of a transnational terrorist network.
Which is not to say he is not a threat to the entire Gulf region with
his growing arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. Because
he is".

Haig set things straight "First and foremost we must go after
hydra-headed al Qaeda's global tentacles. These Islamist
terrorists look upon their defeat in Afghanistan as the loss of a
piece of real estate on the larger canvas of Islamist
fundamentalist extremism that has developed roots in some
forty Muslim countries and which has cells all over the Western
world, including the United States ".

However, the retired General continued "Iraq doesn't belong on
this canvas. International terrorism continues to be the mission.
So Iraq is not an immediate priority. There are several factors
that will determine future targets. First of all, our capability to deal
with them effectively and efficiently. Also evidence of their
culpability, conflicting priorities with other objectives, and how
much time we have before the venality of these regimes
becomes a bigger threat than the evidence we have."

Upon being asked whether culpability had been proved in Iraq in
the context of "international terrorism", Haig replied that there
has been "a great deal of culpability in Iraq for the past ten years,
but not necessarily as a branch of Global Terror, Inc. Iraq is a
substantial target, but not an insurmountable one" Haig

"We've proven that. And it won't be as tough a nut next time as
Iraq is now a much-weakened state. But we still have to assess
the situation against our worldwide commitments, our current
forces levels and capabilities, our priorities for dealing with
transnational terrorism, and our intelligence with respect to the
nature of the targets we develop."

Haig also implied that the United States does not have sufficient
troops on the ground in Afghanistan "given the magnitude of the
problems we now face (there). A major U.S. force on the ground
would convince the world we were in for the long haul recovery of
a country devastated by twenty one years of warfare" he said.

"We lost interest in Afghanistan and left it in the lurch after the
Soviets pulled out in 1989 - and paid a terrible price for our
shortsightedness, witness the emergence of Taliban and al
Qaeda. If we are to thwart another round of warlordism and tribal
warfare, such as what followed the Soviet withdrawal, and
encourage the Afghans to get on with rebuilding their own
nation, U.S. assistance, diplomacy and a muscular military
presence will be required."

"In Desert Storm", Haig mentioned "we had too many troops; in
Afghanistan probably not enough for the major commitment we
have made." He blamed the insufficiency of current force levels
on the previous Clinton administration.

With all the various commitments made by former President Bill
Clinton "and a continued reduction in our manpower base in all
the services, we should be asking ourselves whether or not we
have sufficient forces to cope with a global war against terrorism
that involves several nation states. Sooner or later something
had to give. But President Bush, faced with the unprecedented
affront of September 11, could not wait to take action. So he had
to do what we were capable of doing and he did it brilliantly ... he
achieved maximum success despite a number of formidable

Source: AL-BAWABA NEWS 11/01/2002

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