
Immediate release from CANA UK:

"We mourn the death of democracy and constitutional rule in the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia.

"That for thirty pieces of silver - in order to appease a foreign enemy,
the United States - the Federal Parliament in Belgrade has tonight
apparently passed a law on co-operation with The Hague.

"We regret the attempted suicide tonight of the Minister one time
responsible for security in Kosovo.

"Had he thought there would have been a fair trial in The Hague he would
not have gone to such an extreme length.

"But no fair trial can be conducted in a Court led by the vicious and
unprincipled and fundamentally dishonest British circuit Judge May, who
so far has broken every rule of jurisprudence and natural justice by
refusing to consider the habeas corpus application of former President
Milosevic, and who has shown his prejudice & antagonism towards Mr
Milosevic at every stage of  proceedings, the end result of which have
already been predetermined by NATO.

"The real war criminals are the NATO leaders. those responsible for the
destruction of so many innocent lives during the 78 day NATO war.

"The supposedly indicted war criminal was a true patriot who sought to
defend his country against foreign aggression.

CANA UK calls for Yugoslav citizens to rise up against this discredited
mercenary quisling clique in Belgrade, those who promised freedom for
Yugoslavia but have only instituted tyranny."


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