

What about Hollywood making a film called Operation Cyclone, telling how the
CIA trained Islamic terrorists?
John Pilger
Monday 8th April 2002

I sat down the other night to watch Mai Masri's film Frontiers of Dreams and
Fears. It was on videotape; like most of her remarkable work about the
Palestinians, ten films in all, it has not been shown in the cinema or on
television in this country. From Shatila refugee camp in Beirut and Dheisha
camp in Bethlehem, the film tells the story of two refugee girls and their
journey to the chain-link fence that divides their homeland and separates
them from each other. It is a rare glimpse of the truth behind the
relentless news from Palestine.

I watched it on the night the Oscars were shown, and during pauses in the
video, images of Hollywood intervened: unctuous and jingoistic actors, and
clips from blockbusting money machines that are the exact opposite of Mai
Masri's truth. Perhaps the Oscars seem a harmless circus: until you stop and
think of what they represent. David Puttnam, the Oscar-winning producer,
raised this question in the Guardian recently. He described the failure of
popular cinema to reach out to the "millions of young people [who] are
growing up in refugee camps" and "the potential for a devastating
explosion". He added: "If we [in the west] simply become manufacturers of
films which rely on technology, special effects, emotional simplicity and so
on to portray the world, then I fear that the dislocation between mainstream
cinema and any perceptible reality will simply become too great - with
consequences which will affect us all."

The dislocation is now so great that the cultural propaganda that was always
Hollywood accounts for more than 80 per cent of the films seen in Britain
and many other countries. The power of their message about "the American way
of life" is such that it seems we are back to the post-Second World War era
when the American business establishment promoted a paranoia about enemies
within and abroad. Foreigners fell neatly into categories of worthy or
unworthy: for America or against America.

In Hollywood, history was reduced to screen "epics" such as Exodus, in which
worthy (Jewish) refugees settled in the Holy Land and unworthy Palestinians,
made refugees in their own land, were invisible. These dispossessed people
are now portrayed in American action movies, along with other Muslims, as
terrorists. Following the Vietnam war, in which around five million
Vietnamese were killed during the American invasion, and their land was
destroyed and poisoned by American weapons of mass destruction, Hollywood
came to the rescue with a string of Rambo-and-angst films that invited the
audience to pity the invader. These films provided a cultural purgative that
helped clear the way for America to mount other Vietnams - in El Salvador,
Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Somalia and elsewhere. The current "war on
terrorism" is underpinned by the same Hollywood caricatures. Films like
Black Hawk Down, which promotes a mendacious version of America's killing
spree in Somalia, act as cultural "softeners" before the bombing starts
again for real.

Even in finely crafted films like The Deer Hunter and Platoon that look as
if they might break ranks, there is an implicit oath of loyalty to imperial
culture. This was true of Three Kings, a movie that seemed to take issue
with the Gulf war, but instead produced a familiar "bad apple" tale,
exonerating the militarism that is now rampant.

So dominant is Hollywood in our lives, and so collusive are its
camp-following critics, that the films that ought to have been made are
unmentionable. Name the mainstream movies that have shone light on to the
vast shadow thrown by the American secret state, and the mayhem for which it
is responsible. I can think of only a few: Costa-Gavras's Missing, which was
about the destruction of the elected government in Chile by General
Pinochet's puppet masters in Washington, and Oliver Stone's Salvador, which
made the connection between Reagan's Washington and El Salvador's death
squads. Both these films were quirks of the system, funded with great
difficulty and, in the case of Missing, dogged by vengeful court actions.

The slaughter of up to 8,000 urban poor in George Bush Sr's attack on Panama
in 1990 would make a fine action movie. And why not a sequel to Black Hawk
Down, this time with the 8,000-10,000 Somali dead (a CIA estimate) who were
airbrushed from the original? Or how about a David and Goliath epic set in
modern Palestine, with young Palestinians facing down American tanks and
warplanes operated by Israelis?

"The appalling images of [11 September] had all the resonance of a
contemporary Hollywood movie . . ." wrote David Puttnam. "The temptation to
try to comprehend these images in cinematic terms was a testament to the
power of film. But the analogy felt entirely inadequate . . ."

That may be true if you rule out film-making that allows us to comprehend
why 11 September happened. The title of such a movie could be Operation
Cyclone, the code name the CIA used when it set up an Islamic terrorist
organisation in 1979 on the secret order of President Jimmy Carter. Funded
by $4bn of American taxpayers' money, the tutors of Operation Cyclone
trained terrorists at camps in Pakistan and in Virginia, and recruited them
at an Islamic college in Brooklyn, New York, within sight of the fated twin
towers. Indeed, the terrible spectacle of 11 September could be the final
sequence, with the patriotic Bruce Willis playing George W Bush.

John Pilger's new book, The New Rulers of the World, will be published next
month by Verso


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