
KFOR troops clash with Kosovo Serbs

     BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Dec. 28 (UPI) -- French troops of the
NATO-led international peacekeeping force KFOR in Kosovo clashed with
several hundred Serbs in the northern town of Mitrovica during a
house-to-house search for weapons, the Srna news agency reported. 
     The troops used stun bombs and tear gas and fired in the air to
disperse demonstrators. KFOR issued no statement by Friday morning and
it was not clear if there were casualties on either side. 
     Srna said the incident started at 10 p.m. Thursday when residents
of a block of flats gathered to protest against the way the search was
being carried out. They were joined by hundreds of Serbs living in the
northern part of Mitrovica and confrontations lasted until early Friday
when the troops hurled tear gas canisters and stun bombs at the crowd. 
     During the night, KFOR and international police suspended all foot
patrols and vehicles from the Mitrovica streets. KFOR patrols returned
to the streets after daybreak. 
     The town of Mitrovica is divided by the River Ibar into
predominantly Serb-populated northern part and the mostly ethnic
Albanian southern sector. There has been sporadic violence between the
two communities since KFOR took control of Kosovo in June 1999. 
     KFOR officials believe that the Serbs have large quantities of
weapons hidden in the area. 

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