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Macedonian leader thanks Russia

KIEV, Ukraine - Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday for his country's position on the conflict in the Balkan nation and called for an international conference on borders in the region, a news report said.

The two leaders met on the sidelines of Ukrainian independence celebrations.

Russia has supported the Macedonian government in its conflict with ethnic Albanian rebels, and on Thursday, Putin expressed doubts that NATO's mission to disarm the rebels would succeed.

At the meeting Friday morning, Trajkovski thanked Putin for Russia's position on the conflict and for its role in the Balkans in general, the Interfax news agency said.

Trajkovski called for joint Russian and Macedonian efforts for peace in the Balkans and for an international conference on borders and human rights in the Balkans, the agency said.

"This is the only way to bring the region out of crisis," he was quoted as saying.

After the meeting, Putin told journalists that tension in the Balkans stemmed from "terrorists, and not rebels who are allegedly concerned about humanitarian, language and religious problems."

Russia, a harsh critic of NATO actions in Kosovo, has suggested that the conflict there spilled over into Macedonia because of the alliance's failure to disarm the Kosovo Albanian rebels.
 /The Associated Press/

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