
Muslims trapped by India's apartheid
Gujarat's Hindu nationalist chief minister, Narendar Modi, holds the media responsible 
for the cycle of communal bloodletting, but the blame lies largely at his doorstep, 
writes Luke Harding 
The Guardian, London 
Tuesday April 23, 2002 

When will the violence in Gujarat stop? Judging by the horrific events of this 
weekend, not yet. Nearly two months after communal rioting first broke out in India's 
most infamous state, there were more deaths in Gujarat.

Some 17 people were killed and at least 100 injured in fresh Hindu-Muslim clashes. The 
state's main city Ahmedabad continues to burn. A group of Muslims dragged a police 
constable into a lane and stabbed him to death on Sunday.

The police responded by going on a killing spree, shooting dead at least six Muslims 
in the Gomtipur area of the city. They included an 18-year-old girl, Nazimabanu 
Mehmood Hussain, and her 42-year-old father. She and the other victims of what is 
euphemistically known as "police firing" were shot in the head at point blank range.

The depressing cycle of violence follows a now-familiar pattern in which Gujarat's 
partisan Hindu police force - instead of trying to stop the violence - trains its guns 
on India's minority community.

The response of Gujarat's unrepentant Hindu nationalist chief minister, Narendar Modi, 
has been to blame the media. In full-page adverts in Sunday's Indian newspapers Mr 
Modi accuses his critics of "malicious propaganda". They have tarnished Gujarat's 
reputation by spreading "untruths", he says.

Few people outside India's ruling Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) - of which Mr Modi is a 
member - share this view. Last week a leaked report compiled by senior diplomats at 
the British high commission in New Delhi squarely pointed the finger of blame for the 
violence at Mr Modi and his administration.

The report also suggested that the official death toll - 800 - was a gross 
underestimate. A truer figure was 2,000, with the vast majority of dead Muslims, the 
report noted. Extremist Hindu organisations began preparing an attack against the 
state's Muslim community well before the Godhra tragedy, in which a Muslim mob burned 
to death 56 Hindus on a train, the report added.

In a declaration to be made public this week, the European Union compares events in 
Gujarat since February 27 with the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany. "The 
carnage in Gujarat was a kind of apartheid ... and has parallels with Germany of the 
1930s", the declaration says.

While secular Indians have been appalled by the epic scale of the retaliatory 
destruction in Gujarat, Mr Modi has become a hero among hardliners within the BJP and 
its Hindu revivalist allies. It is this, perhaps, which explains why India's BJP prime 
minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, had refused to give in to persistent demands from the 
opposition to sack the defiant Mr Modi.

It seems that many in the BJP and its revanchist sister organisations feel that 
India's Muslims have finally got the beating they deserve. "The Muslims have to be 
taught a lesson, once and for all", Pravin Togadiya, the secretary general of the 
extremist Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), opined on Sunday.

Mr Vajpayee clearly finds the violence embarrassing. India's reputation 
internationally has suffered badly. New Delhi's previously plausible argument that the 
problem of extremism was one that only affected its archrival Pakistan now seems 
hollow. But with the BJP in deep electoral trouble, many within the ruling party 
believe that continuing Hindu-Muslim unrest is the best way to consolidate its Hindu 
vote bank and bounce back to victory in a general election scheduled for 2004.

India's ultra-nationalist home minister LK Advani - seen by many as a successor to Mr 
Vajpayee - has defended Mr Modi. The bodies have continued to pile up, but Mr Advani 
has maintained a sphinx-like silence, which appears to hint at approval. Several of 
the prime minister's secular coalition partners, meanwhile, have also demanded Mr 
Modi's dismissal. 

But they have refrained from pulling the plug on the government, realising that loss 
of office, which an early general election would bring, means loss of influence, 
power, and money.

With more deaths every day Mr Modi's declaration in yesterday's Indian newspapers that 
"Peace is our collective responsibility" seems nothing more than a sick joke.


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