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[Just in the past few days two leading members of the
U.S. Senate foreign policy elite - John McCain and
Richard Lugar - have issued separate calls for
Bulgaria's early entry into NATO.
McCain even made a special trip to Sofia.
The Graf Ignatievo airforce base, referred to below,
is of strategic importance to NATO's activities in the
Balkans, and is to be substantially upgraded to become
even more so.
The accelerated development of Bulgaria as a key NATO
base of operations is planned in conjunction with
NATO's new role in Macedonia.] 

Blue News
Newsnewsgroup: Blue News Bulgaria English, 31.08.2001
Bulgarian air force base converted to NATO standards 
Sofia (Bluebull) - Bulgaria's Minister of Defense
Nikolay Svinarov formally announced the completion of
a major reconstruction at the Graf Ignatievo airforce
base, near Plovdiv. 
The main strip of the base was extended to 3 km which
makes it compliant with the landing requirements for
all NATO fighter and cargo aircraft. 
The whole project, which includes the relevant signal
and safety infrastructure, was completed for three
months by a local state-owned construction company. 
The ministry of defense has spent BGN 10 million on
the whole project. 
The Graf Ignatievo airforce base houses also the
headquarters of the international peace-keeping
brigade comprising military units from several Balkan

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