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[NATO's victory, Yugoslavia's shame.]

First NATO-led Troops Pass Through Yugoslavia's

BELGRADE, Sep 10, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse)
NATO-led peacekeeping forces have begun transferring
troops to Kosovo across Yugoslav territory for the
first time, the Yugoslav army said Sunday.

It said part of the Russian, Slovakian, Ukrainian,
Turkish and Finnish peacekeeping contingents have so
far passed through Yugoslavia under a "detailed plan"
worked out by the Yugoslav defense ministry for the
transfer of foreign convoys.

"Troops, equipment and weaponry are transported
separately and they are allowed to stop only along the
road," the army said in statement on its official web
site. It gave no further details.

Last month the Yugoslav government said for the first
time it would allow NATO-led forces in the Balkans to
use its territory to move equipment and troops.

The government said at the time it "will thoroughly
examine each request and decide" on a case-by-case
basis whether to allow troops and materiel to transit
Yugoslav territory on their way to the southern
province of Kosovo and to "other operations" in
neighboring countries.

The statement did not name the countries but NATO is
leading missions in Bosnia and Macedonia.

Under the former regime of Slobodan Milosevic, who was
ousted last October, movements of foreign troops
anywhere on Yugoslav territory were prohibited, except
for Kosovo where a NATO-led force was deployed in June

After Milosevic was ousted by reformist forces backing
current Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica,
Belgrade has slowly moved towards more cooperation
with international officials in Kosovo, which is under
UN administration. ((c) 2001 Agence France Presse) 

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