
Turkey seeks aid in Afghan role

The Australian
May i, 2002

-The US administration has promised Turkey it will ask
Congress for $US200 million ($372.58 million) in
economic aid and another $US28 million ($52.16
million) in military aid for Turkey.

THE head of the Turkish military has asked the US and
other nations to provide satellite communication
systems and cargo planes before his forces assume
command of the Afghan peacekeeping force.

General Huseyin Kivrikoglu said: "If these requests
are met, Turkey would carry out this mission in the
best way."
Turkey, NATO's sole Muslim member, officially
announced yesterday that it will take over the command
of the international force in Afghanistan.

Such a role for Turkey would strengthen the US
argument that the war against terror is not between
Islam and the West.

"The Turkish government has agreed in principle to
lead the peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan,"
Kivrikoglu told CNN-Turk television.

"But, Turkey has some requests. Some equipment and
abilities which are not in the inventory of Turkey
should be supported by other nations."

Britain has reportedly refused to leave its own
military satellite communication system to the Turks
because of apparent security concerns.

Turkey needs a new satellite system to communicate
with the forces of 17 other nations participating in
the peacekeeping force, patrolling in and around

The United States had agreed to help Turkey to buy the
satellite systems, the daily Radikal newspaper said

Turkey also wants heavy cargo planes to transport
armoured vehicles and light military vehicles to

Lieutenant Colonel Neil Peckham, of the British forces
in Afghanistan, said today that he does not believe
that a handover will take place before June.

"We expect that we'll be remaining as lead nation
until the latter part of June," said Peckham,
spokesman for the International Security Assistance
Forces, or ISAF.

He said Britain would like to remain in charge until
after the Loya Jirga, or Grand Council, decides
whether to back the interim government of Hamid Karzai
or select another administration. The military
planning for a handover would also take time, he

Kivrikoglu urged Afghan factions to leave aside past
factional fighting.

"This is a very important opportunity for Afghan
people," Kivrikoglu said. "If they keep their
conflicts alive ... the chaos will persist."

He said he opposed Afghan demands to expand the
4,500-strong force throughout the country to stop
regional warlords from vying for power.

"It is a very small force for such a big country,"
Kivrikoglu said.

Turkey, which is struggling with a deep economic
crisis, is also worried about the mission's cost.

The US administration has promised Turkey it will ask
Congress for $US200 million ($372.58 million) in
economic aid and another $US28 million ($52.16
million) in military aid for Turkey.

Turkey has some 270 peacekeepers in Afghanistan and is
expected to deploy another 1,000 soldiers.

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