
   English Service News 
   12th  April, 2002, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Game On

   The German soccer league has enough money to support itself for the
   of the year, league officials announced, avoiding a possible
financial disaster sprung 
   by the Kirch Group's insolvency.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   address below:,3367,1431_A_496114_1_A,00.html

   Another deadly suicide bombing in Israel

   There has been another horrific suicide bombing in Israel. A
   Palestinian suicide bomber blew herself up at a bus stop near a
   crowded market in Jerusalem killing at least 6 people and 70 or more
   have been wounded, many seriously. The al-Aqsa brigade has claimed
   responsibility for the attack. DW Radio correspondent Nick Mackie is
   in Jerusalem at the scene of the bombing and has confirmed the
   perpetrator was a young woman. Nick will describe the scene in just a
   few minutes here on Newslink.

   Powell fails to secure Israeli withdrawl from Palestinian terrorities

   In Washington, the White House said Friday's attack would not
   deter President George W. Bush's Middle East peace drive. However, it
   does undermine Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's position that
   the current military campaign prevents further suicide bombings. The
   Israeli Prime Minister on Friday held initial talks with US Secretary
   of State Colin Powell. They failed to secure a firm timetable for an
   end to the Israeli military campaign in the West Bank. At a press
   conference Mr. Powell warned Israel of what he called the long-term
   strategic consequences of the incursions that have killed at least
   200 Palestinians and stoked regional and international anger. When
   asked to look ahead to Saturday's meeting with Palestian President
   Yassar Arafat he said the United States seeks actions and not just
   words from Mr. Arafat. Mr. Powell along with senior Israeli military
   and political leaders spent the afternoon near the northern Israeli
   border with Lebanon.

   Death toll in Djerba rises to 9

   The death toll from Thursday's explosion of a liquid gas
   tanker-truck on the Tunisian island of Djerba has risen to at least
   9 after a French man and German boy succumbed to their injuries
   earlier today. The German Foreign Ministry in Berlin issued a
   statement that said six German tourists, five women and an 11
   year-old boy were killed, and 25 Germans were injured, several
   seriously. The ministry said it expects five of the most seriously
   injured to be transfered to Germany later this evening. Local
   authorities are treating the incident as an accident and have
   rejected allegations that the blast was an attack on a synagogue.

   8 more people killed in Kashmir

   Eight people were killed and 15 wounded in India's strife-torn
   region of Kashmir which has been at the center of a military
   stand-off between India and Pakistan. The latest attacks came as
   Muslim militants called a strike in the Himalayan region to protest
   what they labelled the oppression of Muslims in Palestine and
   Afghanistan, effectively shutting down the main city of Srinagar. A
   spokesman for a pro-Pakistan militant group, Islamic Front, claimed
   responsibility for the attacks.

   Earthquake hits Afghan district of Nahrin again

   An earthquake has again rocked the northern Afghan district of
   Nahrin on Friday, killing at least 27 people and injuring over 100
   others. It's the same region that was devastated about two weeks ago
   when a series of tremors killed over 1,000 people. An official of
   Afghanistan's interim administration in nearby Kunduz province said
   there was some destruction from the earthquake which Pakistani
   seismologists measured 5.6 on the Richter scale.

   Over 200,000 Afghan refugees return home

   Ruud Lubbers, the head of the United Nations High Commission for
   Human Rights on Friday embarked on an 8-day mission to Iran,
   Pakistan and Afghanistan to get a first-hand impression of the UN
   repatriation program for Afghan refugees. So far 223,000 refugees
   have returned to Afghanistan since the UN programme began six weeks
   ago. The UNHCR estimates some 3.7 million people fled the Taliban

   Venezuelan Pres. Chavez forced from office

   Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been forced to resign and is
   being held at a military barrack in the capital, Caracas. The end of
   Mr. Chavez's three years in power came after a demonstration on
   Thursday turned violent. Eyewitnesses said snipers opened fire from
   rooftops on a crowd estimated at 150,000, killing at least 11 and
   injuring at least another 80 people. The bloodshed triggered a
   rebellion by the country's military who have created an interim
   government comprising of both civilian and military leaders.

   German Chancellor's libel suit heard

   A court in Hamburg on Friday considered a libel action filed by
   German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. At issue is whether or not Mr.
   Schroeder dyes his hair. An image consultant suggested to a German
   news agency that the chancellor should admit he touches up his hair
   color. Mr. Schroeder, who usually is more laid back about such
   issues, said such a discussion in an election year hurts his

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