
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 8th, 2001, 16:00 UTC

   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Kirch Files for Insolvency

   With the Kirch Group's filing for insolvency in a Munich court
   Monday, the scramble for the remains of Leo Kirch's fallen media
   empire officially began.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the 
   Internet address below:,3367,1439_A_492842_1_A,00.html

   Defiant Israel Puts Toll Beyond 200

   Israeli commanders have said army incursions into West Bank
   Palestinian cities will continue beyond next Friday, when U.S.
   Secretary of State Colin Powell is due in the region.
   Israel's admission, in defiance of worldwide calls to withdraw,
   coincided with mounting casualty figures. Israel's army said it had
   killed at least 30 Palestinians it described as armed in Nablus
   alone over the weekend - putting the total from its 10-day offensive
   at 200 Palestinians and seven soldiers killed. Palestinian sources
   put weekend losses at more than 70 Palestinians killed. Latest
   reports say Israeli helicopters had fired again at Jenin's refugee
   camp overnight. On Sunday Hizbollah shelled northern Israel from
   Lebanon, injuring five people. Residents sheltered in bunkers.

   Powell's First Stop - Morocco

   U.S. Secretary of State Powell has left Washington, heading first to
   Morocco, after saying he would only meet Palestinian President
   Yasser Arafat, who's besieged in Ramallah, "if circumstances permit".
   Powell is due to have talks later today in Rabat with Morocco's King
   Mohammed and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah. On Wednesday, Powell heads
   to Madrid, where EU foreign ministers also consult U.N.
   Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and Russia's foreign minister. Igor
   Ivanov made telephone calls on Sunday to Israeli Prime Minister
   Ariel Sharon and Arafat, demanding that both support peace efforts.

   Pro-Israel Rallies

   Solidarity rallies in support of Israel and against anti-semitism
   drew tens of thousands of people in France on Sunday - in contrast
   to pro-Palestinian protests staged on Saturday.
   In Paris 50,000 attended a pro-Israel rally that was overshadowed by
   a stab wound to a police officer during a melee between pro-and-anti
   demonstrators. Similar pro-Israel rallies took place in Toulouse,
   Lyon, Strasbourg and Marseille. Pro-Palestinian protests took place
   on Sunday in Brussels, Barcelona, Ottawa, Bahrain, Beirut and Rabat.
   Moroccan police estimated a crowd of 1.5 million. Three attacks were
   made on synagogues in France over the weekend - the third late on
   Sunday in a northern suburb of Paris. The news agency AP says petrol
   bombs were thrown. Property damage was limited. The arsonists fled.

   Hungary's Orban Trails - Run-off Likely

   Hungary appears headed for a run-off election on April the 21st,
   with the opposition Socialists edging ahead of Prime Minister Viktor
   Orban's conservative alliance after Sunday's poll.
   With 90 percent of votes counted, the Socialists, led by prime
   ministerial candidate Peter Medgyessy, have nearly 42 percent. Their
   likely allies, the liberal Free Democrat Alliance have 5.8 percent.
   Orban's alliance, Fidesz, trails on 41.4 percent. The far-right MIEP
   fell below the five-percent hurdle, denying it seats in parliament.
   Hungary's complex system combines direct and proportional voting.
   The country is a leading candidate for EU enlargement in 2004.

   FARC Blamed for Car Bombing

   Police in Colombia have blamed leftist FARC rebels for Sunday's car
   bomb attack in a crowded street that killed 12 people and injured
   another 67 in the city of Villavicencio.
   It lies 60 kilometres from Bogota. Police said night revellers were
   drawn by a small detonation early on Sunday morning. A 50-kilogram
   car bomb then exploded. No group has yet claimed responsibility.
   Only hours earlier, a priest had been shot dead in the province of
   Huila while officiating at communion. President Andres Pastrana
   ended peace talks with FARC in February, ahead of elections in May.
   A front-runner is Alvaro Uribe, who's promised a crackdown.

   Spotlight on Ex-Soviet States

   German President Johannes Rau has criticised censure of Russia's
   media and the war in Chechnya during an award ceremony in Cologne
   for "Memorial", a human rights network in former Soviet states.
   Memorial received the Lew Kopelew Prize for pioneer work in
   documenting crimes of the Stalinist era. President Rau said
   commentators on Russian TV were being silenced. Referring to
   Chechnya's war between Russian forces and separatists, Rau said no
   war should harm civilians. His remarks precede a visit to Germany on
   Tuesday by Russian President Vladimir Putin. He'll attend regular
   German-Russian consultations in Weimar. Memorial's chairman, Arsenij
   Roginski described Chechnya's war as "senseless" and said Russian
   politics amounted to controlled democracy, reminiscent of old times.

   Invest in Africa - Chretien

   Visiting South Africa, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien has
   lobbied for NEPAD, the project to encourage foreign investment in
   African economies and sound governance.
   The plan, adopted by presidents Thabo Mbeki and Olusegun Abasanjo,
   will be a topic at a G-8 summit in Canada in June. Chretian's
   six-nation tour includes stopovers in Ethiopia and Senegal.

   Mystery Rocket Firings in Kabul

   In Afghanistan the multinational force ISAF has located a firing
   ramp southeast of Kabul from which two rocket-propelled grenades
   were launched by unidentified attackers early on Sunday.
   One rocket impacted 500 metres from an ISAF compound; the other
   landed without detonating outside the perimetre fence. Soldiers
   later found the ramp, plus eight unused rocket grenades. The
   incident follows what Afghan officials said was a plot last week to
   destabilise the interim government of leader Hamid Karzai.

   Insurgency in Nepal Claims More Lives

   Nepal's defence ministry has blamed Maoist rebels for the deaths of
   five soldiers killed by a landmine on Sunday after gunbattles in
   which 24 rebels were reportedly killed.
   The detonation, at Kothiyaghat, 600 kilometres west of Kathmandu,
   wounded seven others, according to a ministry spokesman. The Maoist
   rebels peace quit talks last November and began attacking military
   outposts in a bid to overthrow Nepal's constitutional monarchy.

   Bio Diversity Conference in The Hague

   Delegates from 182 nations have gathered in The Hague, Holland for a
   two week bio-diversity conference. The U.N. sponsored gathering will
   discuss how to further the protection of the world's plants and
   animals. The UN Environment Program (UNEP) hopes to establish
   guidelines on sharing the world's biological and genetic resources.
   The summit will also lay the groundwork for the Earth Summit which
   will be held in September in South Africa.

   Fewer Seek Asylum

   The number of people seeking asylum in Germany during the first
   three months of 2002, was significantly less in comparision to the
   same period last year. The Federal Interior Ministry said 33,905
   people had sought asylum of which just 2.2 percent were approved.
   Most of the refugees seeking asylum came from Iraq, Turkey, and

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