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[Albania is already a crime-ridden NATO statelet;
FYROM is ninety percent there; Greece has its troops
in FYROM, other NATO troops in its own country, and
both it and Bulgaria are next on the firing line.
But the foreign ministers of their Western puppet
regimes gather to "work for peace and territorial
integrity" - as though their criminal collaboration
with NATO in its war against Yugoslavia in 1999 hasn't
insured that there is no peace and no territorial
integrity in FYROM, the Balkans and most of the world
currently. Nor will there be until the cause of the
unrest and destabilization - NATO and its chief
national components - are either dismantled or reined


Balkan states promise to work for peace
Ministers of Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and FYROM meet
at Prespes crossroad

The foreign ministers of Greece, Albania, the Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria met at a
point where the first three countries meet and pledged
to work for peace and the territorial integrity of
FYROM. Thirty Olympic champions from Balkan countries
also gathered at the Prespes lakes and issued an
appeal for an international truce during the Winter
Games in Salt Lake City next year.
"(We) agreed to work toward peace," Greek Foreign
Minister George Papandreou said after talks with his
three counterparts in the northern Greek town of
Florina. "I hope that, finally, we can resolve our
problems among ourselves." 

The calls for peace came as a NATO force deployed in
FYROM to collect weapons that ethnic Albanian rebels
have agreed to hand over. The difficulties facing the
allied force (of which Greece is a leading member with
a contingent of 411 soldiers) were highlighted
yesterday by the Skopje government spokesman's angry
declaration that NATO's estimate that 3,300 weapons
had to be handed over "is not a serious figure" and
will encourage the rebels "to keep their arms and to
continue their war." Prime Minister Ljubco Georgievski
said the NATO figure was "laughable and humiliating
for Macedonia." He also called for military action
after two Slav-Macedonian employees were killed in an
explosion at a motel near Tetovo in rebel-held

The meeting in Florina, and that of culture ministers
and athletes at the annual Prespes cultural festival,
was the first such gathering since Slav-Macedonian and
ethnic Albanian parties signed a peace agreement in
Skopje on August 13. 

Papandreou held separate meetings with Ilenka Mitreva
of FYROM, Albania's Paskal Milo, and his first meeting
with Bulgaria's new foreign minister, Solomon Pasi. He
said he also telephoned Yugoslav Foreign Minister
Goran Svilanovic, who said the Balkan countries
"should solve their problems on their own." Mitreva
also met with her Albanian counterpart.

The last of Greece's 411 troops from 525 Mechanized
Battalion deployed at Krivolak on the highway between
the border and the capital, Skopje, on Saturday
afternoon. They are to be given the weapons in order
to transport them to Greece where they will be
destroyed at the Halyvourgiki steel works at
Aspropyrgos near Athens.

Opposition New Democracy party leader Costas
Karamanlis yesterday urged the international
community, "even at this late hour to ensure that the
border between Skopje and Kosovo is sealed." He was
speaking at a Balkan conference organized by his party
and the Youth of the European People's Party in
Halkidiki, northern Greece.

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