
[Confer yesterday's Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
report on the NATO-engineered Georgian-Azerbaijani
joint military declaration concerning 'illegitimate
seccessionist' threats.]

Kosovo Serbs protest for third day to demand release
of local leader   
Thu Apr 11, 9:56 AM ET 
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Yugoslavia - About 3,000 angry
Serbs took to the streets for the third straight day
on Thursday to demand the release of a Serb recently
arrested by U.N. police amid violent riots.
The protesters gathered in the center of the
ethnically divided city of Kosovska Mitrovica and then
marched to the office of U.N. police officers, with
whom they clashed bitterly on Monday. Some of them
then pelted the office with eggs and set up road
blockades, threatening to continue their protests
until their demand is met.
Simmering tensions erupted here Monday when the U.N.
officers, part of Kosovo's international
administration, tried to set up a new checkpoint in
the Serb area. That move triggered riots by Serb
The city is divided into a mostly Serb-populated
northern section and an ethnic Albanian southern
section, separated by the Ibar river.
Twenty-two U.N. officers and 12 Serbs were injured in
the melee Monday as gunshots were fired and two hand
grenades exploded. Police arrested a Serb, Slavoljub
Jovic, on suspicion that he had led the attacks.
On Thursday the protesters demanded the release of
Jovic and another Serb, Stevan Zigic, who was arrested
last month on charges that he took part in an assault
that led to the death of an ethnic Albanian.
A speaker at the rally, Vladimir Rakic, read a letter
Zigic had written from jail.
"We are being arrested just because we are Serbs,"
Rakic said, reading from the letter. Rakic also urged
all Serb employees currently working for the U.N.
administration or the NATO-led peacekeeping force to
quit their jobs in protest.
Kosovo has been run by the United Nations and NATO
since 1999, when the alliance bombed Serb troops to
stop former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's
crackdown on ethnic Albanian separatists.
NATO's airstrikes forced Belgrade to relinquish
control over Kosovo, and caused more than 200,000
Kosovo Serbs to flee the province. Those who did not
flee now live in Serb enclaves, the largest of which
is in Kosovska Mitrovica.

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