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[Note how this AP report does everything short of
openly justifying and endorsing ethnic terror against
Middle Easterners.]
Crowd in Ill. Demonstrates at Mosque 
By Melanie Coffee
Associated Press Writer
Thursday, Sept. 13, 2001; 7:05 a.m. EDT
BRIDGEVIEW, Ill. –– An ugly and perhaps predictable
backlash is sprouting across the nation as federal
officials say there is mounting evidence that radical
Muslims planned and carried out the terror attacks in
New York and Washington. 
Police turned back 300 marchers – some waving American
flags and shouting "USA! USA!" – as they tried to
march on a mosque in this southwest Chicago suburb
late Wednesday. 
Three demonstrators were arrested, said Bridgeview
Police Chief Charles Chigas. There were no injuries
and demonstrators were kept blocks from the closed
Muslim worship place. 
"I'm proud to be American and I hate Arabs and I
always have," said 19-year-old Colin Zaremba who
marched with the group from Oak Lawn. 
Federal authorities say they have identified more than
a dozen hijackers of Middle Eastern descent in
Tuesday's attacks and gathered evidence linking them
to Saudi-born terror mastermind Osama bin Laden and
other terrorist networks. In all, perhaps 50 people
were involved in the plot, government officials say. 
In Chicago, a Molotov cocktail was tossed Wednesday at
an Arab-American community center. No one was injured,
and there was little damage. 
"The terrorists who committed these horrible acts
would like nothing better than to see us tear at the
fiber of our democracy and to trample on the rights of
other Americans," Gov. George Ryan said. 
In Huntington, N.Y., a 75-year-old man who was drunk
tried to run over a Pakistani woman in the parking lot
of a shopping mall, police said. The man, Adam Lang,
then followed the woman into a store and threatened to
kill her for "destroying my country." 
In Australia, meanwhile, a school bus carrying Muslim
children was stoned and vandals tried to set fire to a
Lebanese church in apparent acts of retaliation for
the terrorist attacks in the United States, officials
Queensland state Islamic Council chairman Sultan Deen
said stones and bottles damaged the side of the bus
Wednesday in the northeastern city of Brisbane. Nobody
was injured. 
Tamara Alfson, an American working at the Kuwait
Embassy in Washington, D.C., spent Wednesday
counseling frightened Kuwaiti students attending
schools across the United States. 
"Some of them have already been harassed. People have
been quite awful to them," said Alfson, an academic
adviser to roughly 150 students. 
In a show of patriotism, 45 people from Tampa, Fla.'s
Islamic community registered with blood services to
donate Wednesday and 30 members of the Muslim Students
Association at the University of South Florida signed
"You feel the pain twice: Once because of what has
happened and once because of the looks you get," said
Sami Al-Arian, an engineering teacher at the
University of South Florida. 
Abu Nahidian, director of the Manassas Mosque in
Virginia, said his congregation has been the target of
insults and hate messages left on the office answering
"We have some recordings in our tapes that say, 'We
hate you so-and-so Muslims and we hope you die,'"
Nahidian said. 
A mosque in Lynnwood, Wash., was vandalized and no one
showed up for afternoon prayers at the Islamic Center
of Spokane. 
"We must not hurt or terrorize Americans of Arab
descent or Islamic faith," Gov. Gary Locke said
Wednesday during a memorial service at the Puyallup

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