
Reuters. 23 September 2002. Pans and pots to end Israeli siege and occupation.

RAMALLAH -- Palestinians across the West Bank adopted a new tactic in
their uprising for statehood on Tuesday, beating pots and pans in
rhythmic rejection of Israel's siege of President Yasser Arafat. 

Just after midnight, hundreds of Palestinians, many holding metal and
wooden sticks, defied Israeli curfews to take the streets of Ramallah
and other West Bank cities to carry out the noisy protest. 

Others drummed on cookware on their balconies. 
"We have tried all means to liberate our country, but it didn't work.
Maybe with this noise, the world will heed out suffering," said Roba Abu
Roqti, 26, who stood on her veranda in Ramallah to beat a pot in
defiance of Israel. 

"Let's try a civilised way of resistance," she said. 

Hundreds of Palestinians gathered at Ramallah's main al-Manara Square,
just several hundred metres away from where Israeli tanks surrounded
Arafat's battered headquarters. 

The protesters clanged wooden kitchen spoons against metal objects and
signposts that had been knocked down by Israeli tanks. 

Others beat on the rooftops of cars and on electric poles with their
bare hands. 

"They formed an orchestra. This is another way of struggle," said
Ramallah resident Ma'moum Sharif as he stood watching. 

Israeli soldiers fired tear gas and warning shots to disperse the
Ramallah demonstration. 

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