
Russian Information Agency (Novosti)
March 4, 2003


MOSCOW, March 4, 2003. /RIA Novosti political
commentator Vladimir Simonov/. - The official reasons
why the USA should go to war in Iraq have always
featured a certain omission. The uncoordinated
accusations by no means explain the severity of the
sentence. Let's say that Baghdad destroys five
Al-Samud-2 rockets on average a day. From the point of
view of the UN inspectors working in the country, this
zeal is gratifying, but Washington calls it the
"latest trap." Why? 

Iraq's links with al-Qaeda remain unproven.
Nevertheless, the USA continues to claim that the
Iraqi regime, which cannot lift a finger without the
UN inspectors or US spy planes knowing about it,
presents a lethal terrorist threat, justifying war,
the loss of tens of thousands of lives, environmental
disaster, a wave of terrorism and chaos in the Arab

Who in their right mind would believe this? And who
would also believe that sensible people in the US
administration believe it? The justification for the
war against Iraq clearly lacks some kind of a secret,
main argument. 

Serious analysts see this argument in the form of
Iraqi oil, defending Israeli interests, the
opportunity to test new weapons on the battlefield or
America's desire to rejuvenate its flagging economy
through military orders. 

These are not empty words. However, to concentrate on
just these details would be myopic. We would not see
the most important aspect, because the main point is
so massive that is well beyond the bounds of
traditional thinking as practised by the international

The heart of the matter is the following. If the war
against Iraq is launched, then this will mean that the
United States will turn into the centre of a global
empire, where Washington will decide the fates of
governments, divide up the riches of foreign economies
and impose democracy in its own, American sense of the

This is by no means improvisation, as some observers
might think. The war will be the embodiment of a
concept of US world domination worked out over ten
years by the very same ambitious and energetic people
who now occupy key posts in George Bush's

It is necessary to backtrack to 1997 to understand
everything properly. A group of neo-conservatives then
founded the New American century project [Project for
the New American Century]
dedicated to philosophical thinking about the USA's
future role in global politics. 

In September 2000, when George Bush was running for
presidency, the New American Century prepared a report
called Rebuilding America's Defenses. The document's
main idea, to quote the authors, was to "exercise
American leadership around the globe." In post Soviet
Union era, the sole superpower of the United States
sought to take on the role of a new empire stretching
from the Khan Horde to Rome. 

Pax Americana would really mean Power Americana, or a
world subjugated to American might. 

The Rebuilding America's Defenses report became a kind
of geopolitical Bible for George Bush. His
administration has done much of what it proposed. For
example, the brains behind the report suggested
tearing up the 1972 ABM Treaty and throwing it into
the rubbish bin, while taking up plans to deploy an
anti-missile shield in space. This has been done. 

The report recommended that military spending be
increased from 3% of GDP to 3.8% to facilitate the
creation of an infrastructure for the American order.
In 2003, the Bush administration has demanded that
Congress confirm an allotment of 379 billion dollars
to the military's budget. This is the same 3.8% of GDP
right down to the dollar. 

The administration's punctuality in following the
recommendations of the New American century is not
surprising if we recall the top posts the project's
ideologues are now occupying. 

Paul Wolfowitz is now Deputy Defense Secretary. John
Bolton is Undersecretary of State. Stephen A. Cambone
is the Director of Program Analysis and Evaluation,
while Eliot Cohen and Devon Cross sit on the Council
of Defense Policy under Defense Secretary Rumsfeld.
Lewis Libby heads Vice-President Dick Cheney's

Accordingly, the entire host of the presidential
entourage has come from the same corridor of the
extremely conservative highly interventionist (in its
philosophy) New American Century that envisages the
advent of an epoch of America's unanswerable will in
international affairs. 

If we understand this, then the enigma will cease to
exist. For example, why is the American administration
so thoroughly discussing its plans for a military
attack against Iraq, but, apparently, is completely
ignoring the no less crucial problem of its withdrawal
from the country? 

The answer lies in the fact that the USA has no
intention of leaving. After the Iraqi occupation,
permanent military bases will be established there.
They will be the outposts of the "democratisation" of
the Middle East, starting with Syria and Iran and then
sweeping the entire Arab and Islamic world. 

"Democratisation" is an extremely important element in
the neo-conservative thinking of the ideologues behind
the New American Century. If this aspect did not
exist, then everyone in Washington from George Bush
himself to Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith
would not be speaking with such passion. The latter
recently told the New Yorker magazine that the
"democratisation" of the Arab and Islamic worlds would
lead to the threat of terrorism lessening. 

Feith and his like-minded colleagues are tragically
mistaken. The Arab and Islamic world would rebuff any
forced introduction of the US model that can hardly
co-exist with centuries of tradition. Islamic radicals
would come to power and a wave of international
terrorism would sweep the globe. The countries
bordering on Iraq would constantly be on a war or
semi-war footing. 

The new American century, if it really does begin,
does not promise anything good. And that goes for the
United States too. 

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