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.Russia Urges U.S. to Remove Bases After Afghan War.

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Saturday that Moscow hoped the
U.S. will keep its promise to remove its military bases from Central Asian
countries after military action in Afghanistan is over.

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Saturday that Moscow hoped the
U.S. will keep its promise to remove its military bases from Central Asian
countries after military action in Afghanistan   is over.

Russia "respects the choice and decisions of the leaderships of the Central
Asian countries about how to build their relations with the U.S. today and
for the future," Ivanov told Russia's TVTs television.

However, he said, Washington has said the U.S. does not plan to keep its
military bases on the territory of the Central Asian countries for long time
after it finishes its military task in Afghanistan.

"We hope the U.S. will act in conformity with this position," said the

Ivanov also said Russia was ready to sign a deal with the U.S. on drastic
cut of strategic weapons during U.S. President George Bush's Moscow trip
planned for the middle of the next year.

The minister said he hoped the two countries would start " concrete
negotiations" on this matter in January.

Moscow had put forward a proposal for Russia and the U.S. each to cut its
nuclear arsenal to 1,500 warheads or fewer, he said.

Ivanov said the Russian-American dialogue on strategic stability "will be
continued" even after the U.S. announced to unilaterally withdraw from the
1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

"We cannot take an offended posture and say we will not continue
negotiations," he said.


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