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----- Original Message -----
From: alissar gazal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 6:06 AM
Subject: [solidarity_palestine] MIFTAH--Special Report Intifada Update

MIFTAH--Special Report: Intifada Update
      Special Report: Intifada Update
      Palestinian Human and Material Losses Inflicted by Israel during the Intifada
      September 28th, 2000 - April 07, 2002

      Number of Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces and settlers:
      Palestinians in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and east Jerusalem: 1,354
      Palestinians in Israel: 15
      Palestinians in southern Lebanon (killed in clashes on Israeli northern
borders): 2
      Total (including 234 deaths inflicted among children aged 18 and below): 1,371

      Gender Distribution of Deaths:
      Total number of Palestinian men killed: 1,303
      Total Number of Palestinian women killed: 50

      Number of Palestinians injured by Israeli security forces and settlers:
      Live ammunition: 4,286
      Rubber Bullets: 5,446
      Tear Gas: 4,995
      Miscellaneous: 3,863

      Number of olive trees uprooted form Palestinian land: 112,900
      Area of Palestinian cultivated land destroyed (in m2): 3,669,000

      Since 1967, Israel has confiscated almost 750,000 acres of land from the 1.5
million acres comprising the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Since 1967, almost 200,000
tress have been uprooted by Israeli forces from Palestinian land. Since 1967 only,
more than 7,000 homes have been demolished on the basis that they were not supported
by the required construction permits (permits for Palestinians are almost impossible
to obtain from the Israeli authorities). Please refer to MIFTAH's fact sheet on Home
Demolition and Land Confiscation.

      Israeli attacks against doctors and ambulance drivers:
      Number of ambulance drivers killed: 4
      Number of doctors killed: 3
      Number of doctors and ambulance drivers injured: 122
      Number of ambulances hit: 165
      Number of cases in which ambulances were denied access to rescue:

      Number of Palestinian schools previously shut down due to Israeli siege: 174
      Number of Palestinian students previously deprived from attending school: 90,000
      Number of Palestinian school children killed, injured, or attacked to date: 435

      Impact of Israeli closures on Palestinian economic life:
      Number of Palestinians unemployed due to the closures: 257,000
      Avg. unemployment rate in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip: <53%
      Total income losses for Palestinian workers previously employed inside Israel:
$3.6 Million/Day
      Actual losses: Shortfall in GNP between Sept.-Mar.: $1.5 Billion
      Decrease in per capita income:

      Percentage of Palestinians living below poverty line: 64%
      Estimated loss if closures continue in 2002: $1.7 Billion
      Daily overall economic losses (according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of
Statistics): $11 Million

      *Palestine Red Crescent Society *The World Bank (West Bank and Gaza Strip)
      *Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator (UNSCO)-Gaza *Ramallah
      *Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza *PECDAR *UNICEF *B'Tselem
      The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
      Jerusalem office Tel: +972-2-585 1842
      Ramallah office Tel: +972-2-298 9490


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