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Macedonia’s President Boris Traikovski has made a radio address. In his address, he cautiously hinted that is was no need to create of Macedonia a protectorate, like Kosovo or Bosnia. But will Mr. Traikovski’s words reach the ears of the alliance’s leadership? “Creating a protectorate of the kind of Kosovo or Bosnia is neither in the interests of NATO nor Macedonia,” – those were exactly what Mr. Traikovki’s said. Macedonaia’s president either shows his wishful thinking or gently hints that Macedonia would like NATO to end its “Essential Harvest” and get out.
It is also noteworthy that it became clear for the first time from Mr. Traikovski’s speech what NATO’s business in the region has really been, that is, creating protectorates out of independent countries or their parts.
Macedonia’s leadership still lacks a political will, though. Mr. Traikovski immediately starts to vindicate himself saying that Macedonia’s armed forces have not been engaged in ethnic cleansings. In the meantime, as PRAVDARu has earlier reported, the NATO’s leadership has already decided that the 1,500-strong international contingent should stay in Macedonia after collecting arms from ethnic Albanian guerrillas is over. Just to “protect civil observers.” Nothing doing: Mr. Traikovski does what he can, NATO what it will.
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