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The Guardian (Australia)
August 22, 2001

The real face of NATO

When Slobodan Milosevic was kidnapped from Belgrade
and arraigned before The Hague War Crimes Tribunal he
was assured by Judge Richard May: "You will be
accorded the full rights of the accused, according to
international law."

The Hague is supposed to be a UN Tribunal but those
implementing charges, convictions and court procedures
are violating international law in many ways.

President Milosevic has been held in solitary
confinement for weeks despite his protest and the
official UN position which says: "Efforts addressed to

the abolition of solitary confinement as a punishment,
or to the restriction of its use, should be undertaken
and encouraged."

Then there is the right to sleep. During the first
days, the lights of his cell were never turned off. In
addition, video cameras are trained on Milosevic at
all times, thus providing no right to any privacy.

Then there is the right to engage legal representation
of one's choice. After weeks of haggling one of
Milosevic's Yugoslav attorneys was finally allowed to
see him. However, the Dutch Government, acting, it
says, under instructions from the Tribunal' has denied
another Yugoslav attorney a visa.

The right to receive visitors. Mr Milosevic's wife has
been treated like a criminal since coming to Holland.
She has been confined to a hotel room when not
visiting her husband from whom she is separated by a
pane of glass. Yet the UN says, "All prisoners shall
be treated with the respect due to their inherent
dignity and value as human beings."

So, it is in this way that NATO brings its claimed
"humanitarian values" to the world, and flagrantly
violates the principles that the UN has itself laid

Is this treatment any surprise?

This is the treatment meted out to anyone who has the
courage to stand up to NATO and defy the NATO
warmongers and aggressors.

Is it an accident that Slobodan Milosevic is
imprisoned in the Tribunal's jail located in
Schevenieng, Holland, the very same village where the 
German Nazis detained members of the Dutch Resistance
before shooting them during WW 2.

For years the media demonised Milosevic and the whole
Serb nation with tales of horror and ethnic cleansing
yet it is those who make such allegations who were
responsible for the illegal bombing of Serbia, who 
have armed, trained and financed the fascists of the
Kosovo Liberation Army and are using these forces to
dismember the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

It is NATO bombing and support of separatists that has
caused tens of thousands of refugees.

It is NATO forces that are responsible for using
depleted uranium artillery shells in Serbia and
Kosovo, turning both territories into a radioactive 

Why are they not being charged with war crimes at The

By refusing to bow before the NATO criminals,
Milosevic has done the world an incalculable service.

Letters of support and solidarity can be sent to
Slobodan Milosevic addressed to:

President Slobodan Milosevic
Huis van Bewaring Pompstationsweg 46a
2597GX Den Haag
The Netherlands.

* * *

Acknowledgement to Emperor's Clothes

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