Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Allied Comamnd Operations
December 15, 2009

ACO SR leaders give input to new NATO Strategic Concept

-Dr. Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State, chairs the group with 
Mr. Jeroen van der Veer, former CEO in Royal Dutch Shell, as vice-chair.

The twelve member Group of Experts (GoE), chaired by Dr Madeleine Albright, met 
yesterday with the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Admiral James Stavridis and 
Allied Command Operations senior leaders for a fact-finding discussion as part 
of the process to lay the groundwork for NATO’s updated Strategic Concept. 

The Concept is an official document that outlines NATO’s enduring purpose and 
nature and its fundamental security tasks.  It also sets out the key features 
of the changed security environment, specifies the elements of the Alliance’s 
approach to security and provides guidelines for the further adaptation of its 
military forces.  

Last revised in 1999, the current version predates the attacks on the USA on 
09/11, the mission in Afghanistan and the ascension of 9 new member states. 

The Secretary General convened the broad-based GoE to facilitate the process 
after the Strasbourg-Kehl Summit in April where NATO leaders endorsed the 
“Declaration on Alliance Security”: which, inter alia, called for a new 
Strategic Concept.  

The GoE work is in two phases.  In the first, reflection phase, the GoE will 
hold seminars in four NATO countries each devoted to different topics of 
relevance to the new Strategic Concept.  

During the second, consultation phase, the GoE will travel to each NATO capital 
to present their thinking directly to governments with a view to receiving 
initial comment and feedback.  

The Secretary General will then take the process forward and, on the basis of 
national reactions and political guidance, will prepare the first draft of the 
new Strategic Concept for negotiation during the late summer and autumn 2010 
with approval sought at the next NATO Summit. 

The GoE represents a broad spectrum of large and small NATO members and offers 
a balanced combination of insiders and outsiders, including from the private 
sector, think tanks and the academic community. Dr. Madeleine Albright, former 
US Secretary of State, chairs the group with Mr. Jeroen van der Veer, former 
CEO in Royal Dutch Shell, as vice-chair.

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