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Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins

    TiM GW Bulletin

    August 15, 2001
                An Essay by a Canadian Documentary Filmmaker

                Truth Buried in Balkan Hell Holes

                Also, "What Were We Bombed For?" - Belgrade reader says
lack of
                evidence cited by the Hague over Milosevic's alleged
Kosovo crimes,
                yet NATO went to war with Serbia because of them!?



  Calgary                     1. Truth Buried in Balkan Hell Holes (by
Garth Pritchard)

  Belgrade                   2. "What Were We Bombed For?" - an Update

                                          TiM Readers Forum - TiM
Bulletin 2001/8-1

  Phoenix                     FOREWORD: Albanian Terrorists' ProxiesAug.
17, 2001

  Skopje                      3. PR Spinning of Terrorists into
"Statesmen"Aug. 17, 2001

  Washington              4. U.S. to Fund Macedonia Media BlitzAug. 17,

  Ottawa                      5. "Canadian Trinity:" Ottawa to Send Only
Three Soldiers to MacedoniaAug.
  17, 2001

  Rio de Janeiro          6. Brazilian Judge Says Hague Tribunal Is
"Partial"Aug. 21, 2001


              1. Truth Buried in Balkan Hell Holes

                             By Garth Pritchard

  PHOENIX, Aug. 15 - Garth Pritchard is an award-winning independent
  documentary filmmaker.  He has followed Canadian troops, his camera
and reporter's
  pad in hand, through all their Balkan peacekeeping missions during the
last nine years.
  Since 1992, he has been to Bosnia, the Krajina, Croatia, Serbia,
  Macedonia. to mention only some of the NWO crime scenes.

  "I've crisscrossed every nook and cranny of that country," Pritchard
told the TiM
  editor today, as he described some of the scenes he has seen during
his seven trips to
  what is now known as "former Yugoslavia."

  As a result, Pritchard has seen what the New World Order hell holes
look like - from
  the inside - the way a soldier or a victim would see them.  Unlike the
American public,
  which is being led down the garden path blindfolded by CNN's and other
NWO establishment media's lies and
  distortions, at least some Canadians have had a chance to see the
other side of the coin, through the stories that
  Pritchard's cameras recorded and presented.  His latest documentary,
"Shadows of War," for example, has received
  several awards, he says.

  Yet even in Canada, the public at large is largely unaware of the
truth.  Because Pritchard's films have been ignored by
  the mass media, including this country's National Film Board, which
sent Pritchard to the Balkans.  The truth has been
  muffled.  The cries of the innocent victims have been gagged.  Just as
in the U.S. and elsewhere in the New World
  Order lapdog media.

  In this TiM Bulletin, however, we bring you with the author's
permission his narrative, "Truth buried in Balkan hell
  holes."  The article was also published in the print edition only (!)
of the Toronto Sun on Aug. 12.  Here's what
  Pritchard said about some of the atrocities committed by the Croat
army against the Serb civilians in the Krajina in
  1993 and in 1995:

                      Truth lies buried in Balkan hell holes

        It was the classic case of the 100-foot stare in a 10-foot room.

        The dialogue was flat, almost disembodied. But the young
soldiers were trying to speak to the camera. They
        had been asked what happened in the Medac pocket in 1993 when
Croat forces attacked the Krajina, then
        held by Serbs.

        The horrors they witnessed were close to unspeakable. The young
soldier looked at the camera lens, and
        beyond. He remembered what he had seen: "They (the Croats) were
using people from the villages to carry
        the belongings they had stolen. We trailed them towards the
mountains, and as we got close, they started to
        kill people - a warning for us to stop the chase."

                                  'We tried our best'

        "We radioed what was happening and were told not to go any
further. I'm sorry, sir. We really didn't know
        whether or not we got the right body parts in the right body
bags. We tried our best, sir."

        The horrors of the Medac pocket were obvious the day I arrived
in the battle zone. Maybe it was the child's
        bicycle lying in the mud at the crossroads - run over by tanks.
Or the gutted buildings. But for sure there'd
        been horror there. Everything was destroyed. Everything gone.
All animals, even chickens, had been
        slaughtered. And, of course, the smell.

        A Balkan hell hole. Unreported. It would be two years before the
Canadian media picked up the story and
        explained that this was the biggest battle Canadians had been
involved in since the Korean War.

        Canadians, under the United Nations, had put a stop to the
slaughter of Serbs by the Croats reputedly under
        the command of Croat Maj. Gen. Rahim Ademi (an ethnic Albanian -
TiM Ed.), who on July 26, 2001, gave
        himself up to the Hague War Crimes Tribunal to face charges of
murder, plunder, wanton destruction and
        crimes against humanity.

        The general is quoted as saying that his conscience is clear. As
a film-maker following the Canadian
        involvement, I have covered the Balkans extensively for years
and have always tried to remain impartial. But
        what happened in the Medac pocket is beyond most atrocities that
I've tried to record, including the killing
        fields in Kosovo.

        My conscience is not clear. I covered the Medac pocket and
allowed the National Film Board and other
        so-called Canadian national news agencies to turn a blind eye to
what happened there.

        The common thread in the Medac pocket and Krajina, is what
happened to Serb civilians. For a reason I
        can't comprehend, the same yardstick is not being used by the
Canadian media. and now The Hague, to
        judge Croats as is used in judging Serbs and Muslims in other
parts of the Balkans.

        It appears that evidence of war crimes against Croats in the
Krajina has been lost. So now, Croatian general
        staff officers are giving themselves up to the tribunal.
Something very strange is under way here.

        There is one absolute in all this: Canadians were involved, and
Canadians know what happened. In 1995,
        Gen. Alain Forand was in charge of the UN contingent in the
Krajina when the Croats swept through in a
        five-day blitzkrieg that displaced 185,000 Serbs. Canadians
under his command know the truth and have
        tried to speak out. But their voices haven't been heard.

        The same holds true for the Canadian soldiers at Medac, 1993.

                                   Shelling of Knin

        Canadian Capt. Phil Berkhoff, now retired, explained to my
camera what happened in the 1995 shelling of
        Knin. An old lady, holding her dead husband in her arms, her eye
blown out, refused to leave her husband's
        side as the captain pleaded with her to go before another mortar

        "We did the best we could," said Capt. Berkhoff. "It was
horrible. These were civilians. We lifted one man to
        put him in a body bag, and his brain spilled on my foot.

        "We moved body bags across some grass near a fence, and when we
came back Croat tanks had crossed
        the grass deliberately and run over the body bags. We didn't
know if these dead were Serb, Croat or
        Muslim. Neither did the people in the Croat tanks."

        Gen. Forand and his small contingent of Canadians in Knin saved
and protected 780 refugees for two months
        while the UN called them "displaced persons" and wanted them
released to the street and the Croats.
        Forland refused. Not on his watch. Not Rwanda all over again.
Not this time.  (See a story in the TiM
        Bulletin 95-13, Oct. 10, 1995, about this, also reproduced here
at the bottom of this article - TiM Ed.).

        Knin was smashed. Civilians were slaughtered. Animals were
castrated and shot. Farms were burned. The
        Krajina was ethnically cleansed of more than 185,000 human
beings whose roots were there for the ages.

        What occurred on the highway that led to Serbia has not been
        told: An old woman told me that when her farm was shelled,
        her son was hit and died in her arms. She turned to tell her
        husband that their son was dead, but he was also dead.
        Thousands of vehicles littered the landscape, overturned,
        burned, shot full of holes. (See the photo "New World Order
        at Work: Exodus of Serbs," 1995, which has been posted at
        our web site since its inception in 1997 - TiM Ed.).

                    Bullet-riddled body

        Tens of thousands of little piles of personal belongings lay in
        the open, some neatly stacked, others scattered - an old
        woman sprawled in an ancient car, her body riddled by a
        machine-gun; the bodies of a family of farmers, thrown down
        the farm's well, probably while they were still alive.

        I documented much of this. The National Film Board and
        CBC refused any part of it.

        The Canadian media? To them, the main story at the time was
        two trailers that caught fire at a barbecue Canadian military
        personnel had. Where were the stories of Canadian soldiers in
        flak jackets lying on top of people who had none, to protect
        them from bombardments going on?

        What happened at Knin's main hospital? I was told the sick were
thrown out of windows, the basement piled
        high with bodies. Were the Croats given permission by the UN and
United States to attack the Krajina?
        Where the hell did all their tanks come from? Who trained the

        There are many Canadians who know the truth. One Canadian, who
worked for the UN, tells of staggering
        amounts of money paid by him to Croats - in cash. If a UN
contingent needed the Polish tanks for mine
        clearance, the UN received an invoice for damage to Croatian
roads - again to be paid in cash.

        Unbelievable amounts of money, always in cash, were paid out to
billet UN soldiers in blown-out buildings.
        There were monthly meetings, parties, cash paid out. When UN
helicopters landed at Croat airports, cash
        was handed over for landing rights.

        Were the Croats told to clean up the evidence of war as soon as
possible? For sure, they were painting the
        lines back on Krajina's roads within days of the five-day
blitzkrieg. For sure, the UN was saying the Krajina
        hadn't been seriously damaged.

        In fact, the main street was destroyed and most of the buildings
in town had been hit by mortar artillery fire.
        As for the hospital that had bodies lying around it, thrown from
windows - quickly cleaned up. A few days
        later it was actually functioning.

        In Knin, as in the Medac pocket, there were unspeakable
atrocities. The Canadian media chose to ignore
        both events, although thousands of Canadian soldiers were there.
Canadian peacekeepers did not pick sides
        and saved thousands of lives. It now appears that all evidence
of war crimes has disappeared - except in the
        minds of young Canadians who served there.

        The National Film Board of Canada, which sent me there, did not
do a documentary on the Krajina, although
        I was there with my camera. Instead, they chose to do a one-hour
documentary on ballroom dancing in

                                   Jeopardize lives

        The NFB ordered me to give my footage to the War Crimes Tribunal
people who I met in Toronto. I was
        against this, believing that film-makers should never give
unedited footage to any court without being legally
        obligated to do so. Otherwise, I believe we jeopardize the lives
of directors and cameramen who go to the
        world's war zones.

        To give unedited footage to the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague
without legal paperwork demanding it is
        wrong, especially if there's been a decision not to make it into
a documentary for the public consumption.

        Today, evidence of war crimes in the Krajina appears to be
missing. Canadians know the truth, even if there's
        no documentary showing the results of the Medac pocket and
Krajina. And for this I am truly angry.

        Maj. Gen. Rahim Ademi, the reputed commander of the Croat troops
at Medac, may claim to have a clear

        I do not.

        Garth Pritchard, Calgary, Canada


  TiM Ed.: So there you have it. an honest account of the truth by a
conscientious reporter.  A rarity these days.  For,
  as George Orwell put it, "at a time of universal deceit - telling the
truth is a revolutionary act."  Which makes Pritchard a
  media revolutionary of sorts.

  P.S. An excerpt from the TiM Bulletin 95-13, Oct. 10, 1995:

                             The Heroes of Krajina

        KNIN, Sep. 18, 1995 - Garth Pritchard, a director-photographer
with a Canadian National Film Board,
        paints a touching picture of the heroics displayed by the
Canadian UN peacekeeping unit, the "Van Doos,"
        who tried to save lives of nearly 800 Serb civilians from the
threat by the would-be Croat executioners.

        The Serbs were trapped in Knin when Krajina fell in August.  The
UN command considered these Serbs
        mere "displaced persons," rather than "refugees," and declared
them ineligible for UN or Red Cross aid.  But
        not so Gen. Alain Forand and his Canadians.

        "Two cooks worked around the clock providing (food) for these
780 people," writes Pritchard in the Sept.
        18 edition of the TORONTO SUN.  "And they smiled all the time
knowing that what they are doing is
        worthwhile.  I've never been so proud of our (Canadian)


  2. An Update to TiM Readers Forum...

  SERBIA - What Were We Bombed For?

  BELGRADE, Aug. 11 - We received the following feedback from Radmilo
Savic, a TiM reader from Serbia:

        Dear TIM,

        A few days ago, we (in Belgrade) have been informed, through
several TV channels, that former president
        (Slobodan) Milosevic will be charged (before the Hague tribunal)
for crimes against humanity and civilian
        victims and ethnic cleansing intentions - in the wars in Bosnia
and Croatia (Krajina), but NOT (!) for Kosovo
        genocide and ethnic cleansing.  The reason?  Because there is
not enough proof (evidence) for it against him
        or Yugoslavia (whose president he was)!? (according to a Hague
spokesman's comment to foreign news

        Then, there is the question I have for any American citizen, and
for any citizen of any NATO country which
        participated in the Kosovo war :


        Radmilo Savic, Belgrade, Serbia


  FOREWORD: Albanian Terrorists' ProxiesAug. 17, 2001

  PHOENIX, Aug. 15 - On Aug. 15, we received a letter from a TiM reader
who offered the following comment on the
  just-signed "peace agreement" in Macedonia:

        "The government of Macedonia and someone who allegedly
represents the Albanian rebels signed today the
        Framework Agreement for Peace. I say allegedly because the
rebels were not present at the negotiating table
        and it is not known whether they would adhere to the agreement."

  The TiM editor replied as follows:

        "Yes, they were.  The Albanian "rebels" - a.k.a. KLA (UCK) or
KPC - are nothing but the New World
        Order mercenaries.  They were represented there by no less than
three officials - James Pardee (U.S.), Lord
        Robertson (NATO), and Javier Solana (EU, also former NATO).  For
what it's worth."


  3. PR Spinning of Terrorists into "Statesmen"Aug. 17, 2001

  The New York Times Helps Transform Albanian Terrorists' PR Images

  PHOENIX, Aug. 17 - Prior to the Kosovo war (1999), Hashim Thaci, a
Kosovo Albanian who emerged as the UCK
  (Albanian abbreviation for Kosovo Liberation
  Army - KLA) was a virtual nobody.  A few
  photo-op sessions later, in which Madeleine
  Albright kissed the thug, and she and her
  spokesman, James Rubin, shook his hand and
  treated him as a head of state, a virtual
  nobody became a virtual head of state (see
  "Thugs of the World Are Uniting (Again),"
  June 21, 1999).  Just like Yasser Arafat.  At
  least that's what an average American or
  Western European citizen might have

  Well, the New York Times is at it again.  This time, it is providing
its terrorist-to-statesman PR services to an UCK
  offshoot in Macedonia, where a "peace farce" agreement has just been
signed (see Item 1 of this TiM Bulletin).  Ali
  Ahmeti, also a virtual nobody until the fighting in Macedonia broke
out earlier this year, is an Albanian terrorist, like
  Thaci in service of the New World Order, whom the Times is now
spinning as a future Macedonian statesman (see
  "Shadowy Rebel Assures Macedonia That He Seeks Peace," Aug. 17).

  The PR pattern is unmistakable.  A "mysterious" and "enigmatic" figure
emerges from the shadows of the rebel world
  (read the CIA or other spook agency's world - the latter, of course,
is never mentioned in the Times stories), to carry
  the torch for an ethnic minority (Albanian) cause.

  Despite its biased reporting, however, the Times sometimes provides
useful confirmations of our analyses and theories.
  Here's, for example, what its Aug. 17 report says about Ahmeti's
dealings with the NATO brass:

        "But since then, to the ire of Macedonians, Mr. Ahmeti has
become a regular partner for negotiations with
        NATO leaders. Even today, four- wheel drive vehicles carrying
NATO officials and foreign diplomats
        climbed a dirt road to this village, which is filled with armed
guerrillas, their supplies, a hospital, a mess hall
        and children wearing red N.L.A. patches.

        When fighting flared to the edge of full-blown civil war, NATO
leaders regularly visited him and urged him to
        pull back his troops. And, given the limits of heading what one
diplomatic official today called a "disparate"
        guerrilla group, officials say he has generally kept his word."

  See that "NATO leaders regularly visited him"-line?  Now go back and
reread our Foreword, written a couple of days

  For now, Ahmeti is still donning his (German/NATO-made) military garb
(see the photos).  In the next phase, however,
  stand by for a shirt-and-tie image, just like Thaci's.  Ahmeti will
then be posing for pictures surrounded by adoring
  children ("Just like his Marxist idols, Thaci hugs children by day
while murdering by night," read our caption of his June
  25, 1999 photo).

  As with most things, however, you get what you pay for.  While the New
York Times PR service appears to be free
  and voluntary, it is not necessarily very
  good.  In fact, it is quite sloppy at times...

  Take a look at the two Ahmeti images
  here.  In the one on the left, Ahmeti is
  shown at the Times web site with the
  Albanian double-headed eagle crest on the
  wall behind him.  The photo on the right,
  however, which was carried only in the print
  edition, clearly shows the UCK letters
  above the crest.

  In other words, the Albanian NWO
  mercenaries in Macedonia don't even
  bother to hide the Kosovo insignia under which they exterminated the
Serbs from that Serbian province.  Is that why
  the letters UCK have been cropped from the Times' web edition photo?

  A coincidence?  Only for the uninitiated.  Check out "The New York
Times Lies and Distorts - Again and Again."
  (Feb. 5, 2000).  This TiM Bulletin provides two additional examples of
image and truth manipulation by the Times.
  This included switching the identity of victims (from Serbs to
Croats), such as in a 1993 example provided in that last
  year's TiM Bulletin.


  4. U.S. to Fund Macedonia Media BlitzAug. 17, 2001

  WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 - Just in case you may have thought that the New
York Times went out on a limb with its
  today's pro-Albanian terrorists media campaign, take a look at the
front page story in today's Washington Post, the
  Times' ideological globalist/liberal brethren.  Headlined "U.S. to
Fund Macedonia Media Blitz," the Post article clearly
  illustrates how the New World Order media carry out the brainwashing
of both domestic and overseas masses.  Here's
  an excerpt:

        "The U.S. government is planning to finance an extensive
political advertising and lobbying campaign here in
        the next 45 days to secure parliamentary passage of a peace deal
that would expand the rights of the ethnic
        Albanian minority, but is regarded with skepticism by Macedonian
political parties and the public, according
        to sources here and in Washington.

        The United States could spend up to $250,000 -- a significant
amount of money for a media campaign in this
        country of 2 million people (Macedonia) -- buying radio,
television and newspaper advertisements. U.S.
        officials are also considering direct mailings to every
household, which would be the first such effort in this
        Balkan country.

        The campaign, which could be launched in the next few days with
radio spots, will be coordinated with the
        office of Macedonia's president, Boris Trajkovski. His advisers
will work with Western strategists to fashion
        a message that could change week to week, as in an election
campaign. Local advertising agencies will be
        hired to translate the strategy into a viable media campaign.
Trajkovski's involvement is regarded as critical,
        because U.S. officials say they are nervous that the project
will be construed as interference." [.]


  TiM Ed.: Fancy that!  U.S. officials are "nervous" because the truth
may come out?


        "The International Republican Institute (IRI), a
Washington-based nonprofit group that is partially funded by
        the U.S. government, has commissioned a nationwide voter survey
with 35 questions, mostly about the peace
        agreement. The results of the survey, expected in the next few
days, will allow Western consultants and
        presidential advisers to tailor what they are calling "public
service announcements" to legislators and the

        IRI was heavily involved with the media campaign of Otpor, the
Serbian student movement that helped defeat
        Slobodan Milosevic in Yugoslavia's presidential elections last
year." [.] (TiM Ed.: Check out "How
        Washington Bought Yugoslav Presidency," Dec. 12, 2000).

        The United States is also considering flying members of
parliament, particularly members who are hostile to
        the accord or uncertain about how they will vote, to some
American states, possibly California or Texas, to
        see how bilingualism works in those places; one of the most
controversial aspects of the agreement is the
        elevation of Albanian to the status of a second official

        A secondary motivation for the effort, sources said, is to
restore the domestic standing of Trajkovski, a
        Western ally who was elected with cross-community support, but
whose approval rating has plummeted in
        both the Macedonian Slav and ethnic Albanian communities.
Macedonians blame him for not forcefully
        pursuing a military option and stamping out the rebels; ethnic
Albanians blame him for the military force that
        was employed."

  For the full Post story, check out "U.S. to Fund Macedonia Media
Blitz," Aug. 17, 2001.


  5. "Canadian Trinity:" Ottawa to Send Only Three
  Soldiers to MacedoniaAug. 17, 2001

  OTTAWA, Aug. 17 - Giving a whole new meaning to the word "trinity,"
Canadian government is to send only three
  soldiers as NATO "peacekeepers" to Macedonia, according to an Aug. 17
Reuters news report, also carried by the
  Canadian CTV network.  Canada said it's only sending three people
because that's all that NATO requested.

  "Canada is providing staff officers with considerable experience and
the right qualifications for this NATO operation,"
  Minister of National Defense, Art Eggleton, said in a statement.

  The "Canadian trinity" contingent is expected to arrive in Skopje on
Monday (Aug. 20).  But NATO said today
  (Friday) it would defer deciding when to deploy the 3,500 troops to
the Balkans until next week.  It said recent
  clashes, in which a Macedonian police officer was killed by the
Albanian rebels on Thursday (Aug. 16) in Tetovo,
  "threaten a delicate ceasefire which it said must be in place before
NATO troops can be sent."

  NATO announced earlier this week it would send in an advance team of
400 British soldiers ahead of a planned
  3,500-troop incursion.

  For the full story, check out CTV News, Aug. 17, 2001.


  6. Brazilian Judge Says Hague Tribunal Is
  "Partial"Aug. 17, 2001

  RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 21 - A Brazilian judge, who sits on the bench of
The Hague International Court of Justice,
  termed The Hague War Crimes Tribunal's handling of the Serbs accused
of war crimes as "partial," in an interview with
  the Rio de Janeiro's newspaper O Globo, published on Monday, Aug. 20.
Judge Francisco Rezek also said that the
  Yugoslav Tribunal costs 10 times more than the International Court of
Justice, and that most of its expenses are paid by
  the United States.

  The interview, conducted by O Globo's reporter Trajano de Medeiros,
was translated for TiM by a Brazilian reader
  who wishes to remain anonymous, but whose identity is known to TiM.
This reader also told us that Judge Rezek was
  Justice at the Brazilian Supreme Court, from 1893 to 1990, then
Minister for External Affairs (Foreign Minister),
  1990-1992, Chief Justice, and appointed to the International Court of
Justice, at The Hague, in 1997.  Here's the

        "O GLOBO: Mr. Slobodan Milosevic's imprisonment at The Hague,
the condemnation of a Serb-Bosnian
        general for genocide, and the imprisonment of Bosnian Muslim
officers, are those facts an irreversible sign of
        globalization of Justice?

        REZEK:   It is one step for the universal Justice for grave
crimes, crimes defined by International Law, crimes
        against Mankind and war crimes.

        O GLOBO: Do you believe that Milosevic's judgment will be a
peaceful (fair?) one?

        REZEK:  The judgment will be not be immune to criticism.

        O GLOBO: Why not?

        REZEK: Milosevic asserts that the Court was created only to
judge the Serbs; that certain countries wanted
        that way - to judge certain persons from the Serb side, in the
context of the ex-Yugoslavia civil war.

        O GLOBO: Do you agree?

        REZEK:  The Tribunal is juristically legitimate as the UN
Security Council, which has power to create any
        transitional organ, created it.  (But) for establishment of a
permanent (judicial) organ, only the (UN) General
        Assembly (is entitled to do it). Nevertheless, the Security
Council accomplished in the beginning of the 90's to
        create the Tribunal. Even though, France was more active than
the US, the US government pays the largest
        part of the bill.

        O GLOBO: What do you mean?

        REZEK: It is quite a high bill.  The Criminal Tribunal for the
ex-Yugoslavia costs to the UN approximately 10
        times more (!) than the cost of the International Court of
Justice that judges litigation between nations.
        (emphasis added by TiM).

        O GLOBO: What is wrong with the Court?

        REZEK: It is composed of competent jurists, and it judges people
accused of very serious crimes. However,
        it is somewhat partial, which causes bad feelings among
observers and specialists. One does not need to
        leave Europe to find other contexts of civil war in which people
want to see others accused.  If we leave
        Europe to go to Asia and Africa, we will see situations, which
will call for an international court.

        O GLOBO:  Is that what the Serbs say?

        REZEK: It is not only the Serbs who say so in Belgrade. Many
specialists around the whole world think that
        those things cannot be made in such a way, in a partial way, in
an incomplete way. Why a court for
        Yugoslavia, and another for Rwanda, if they are not the only
contexts where you may identify crimes against

        O GLOBO: Why is the way out, then?

        REZEK: This will take us to the Treaty of Rome, of three years
ago. The happenings in Yugoslavia may take
        the countries responsible for the creation of this specific
court to support the creation of the tribunal
        conceived by the Treaty of Rome.  We all know that we cannot
deny the validity of some criticism made
        about these specific tribunals, created to judge criminals, but
they are one-sided. Those courts are not an
        example because of the lack of universality."


  TiM Ed.: So there you have it. straight from the mouth of a judge at
The Hague.  The only
  thing missing in Judge Rezek's criticism of the Tribunal was the
attribute we gave this "judicial"
  venue years ago - "kangaroo court."

                  Feedback: Home: Search:

  Also, check out... Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns:
"Christianity Under Siege,"
  "Silence Over Persecuted Christians", "Chinese Dragon Wagging
Macedonian Tail,"  "An
  Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys",
"Kosovo: Why Are We
  Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis"

  Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN (Australia) magazine columns: "Macedonia:
Another Farcical
  American Oil War,"  "Anti-Christian Crusades,"  "Blood for Oil, Drugs
for Arms",
  "Washington's Crisis Factory,"  and "New Iron Curtain Over Europe"

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