
AP, Reuters and AFP. 1 March 2003. Turkish parliament rejects basing
62,000 U.S. combat troops against Iraq; Turk leader says vote
"completely democratic"; US stunned by Turkish parliament's rejection of
troop deployment.

ISTANBUL and WASHINGTON -- In a serious blow to U.S. plans for a
possible war with Iraq, Turkey's parliament speaker nullified the
legislature's vote Saturday to allow deployment of 62,000 U.S. combat
troops to open a northern front against Iraq.

Speaker Bulent Arinc voided the vote on constitutional grounds, ruling
that a majority of legislators present had not voted in favor. Arinc
then closed parliament until Tuesday.

The vote was 264-250 with 19 abstentions, four short of a simple

The bill's rejection is likely to seriously increase tensions with the
United States which had been expecting a positive vote.

The motion would have empowered the government to authorize the basing
of up to 62,000 troops, 255 warplanes and 65 helicopters.

Washington has been looking to use bases in Turkey to open a northern
front against Iraq, which would have divided Saddam Hussein's army if
there is a war.

Washington had been offering Turkey some $15 billion in loans and grants
if the troops were allowed in to cushion the Turkish economy from the
impact of any war.

A signing of that agreement had been expected after the vote.

But there was strong resistance in the governing Justice and Development
Party to any vote. An overwhelming majority of the Turkish public --
polls show as high as 94 percent -- oppose a war and deputies were under
strong domestic pressure to reject any U.S. troop basing.

A mile from parliament, 50,000 Turks held a rally to protest the war.

"No to War," and "We don't want to be America's soldiers'," they shouted
as some 4,000 police stood guard.

Some carried banners that read: "The people will stop this war."

Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan called the parliamentary decision a
"completely democratic result," suggesting the leader of the ruling
party will accept the parliamentary vote.

"What more do you want? It was a completely democratic result. May it be
for the best," the Anatolian news agency quoted Erdogan as saying after
a meeting with party leaders to evaluate the vote.

Erdogan's words were echoed by Prime Minister Abdullah Gul who said:
"The decision of parliament is clear to see, we must all respect it."

Meanwhile, US officials appeared stunned by the Turkish parliament's
refusal Saturday to allow the deployment of 62,000 US troops for a
possible war with Iraq.

"They did what?" blurted one State Department official.

After hearing the first incorrect reports on Saturday that the
parliament had approved access for US troops, Washington was set to laud
the move and praise the Turkish government for its courage, according to
a reaction prepared by the State Department.

"We warmly welcome the decision of the Turkish parliament to permit US
forces to enter Turkey for possible military operations towards Iraq,"
it said. "We applaud the courageous leadership of the Turkish

"This vote is a further sign of the strong strategic partnership between
our countries and our joint commitment to ensure that the Iraqi regime
complies with UN Security Council Resolution 1441 and eliminates its
weapons of mass destruction.

After it became clear the vote had failed, one US official said the
earlier State Department language was "no longer operative."

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