
The Frontier Post (Pakistan)
May 1, 2002

Pak-US operation in tribal areas troubles Islamabad
Naveed Miraj

Islamabad: Pakistan’s cooperation with USA in the ‘war
against terrorism’ will enter into more treacherous
waters with preparations for operations in the tribal
areas complete that could include air strikes on some
targets that are inaccessible. 

The most worrisome aspect for the government of
Pakistan is that if it allows the US troops to enter
tribal areas that can lead to serious unrest in the

Sources in the government said that the tribes in
South Waziristan had already expressed their
resentment over the raid on a madrassa in Miram Shah

There were reports that a few US nationals were also
present in the operation. 

Now the tribesmen are threatening that they will put
armed resistance to any operations. 

Reports arriving from South Waziristan said that local
people were apprehending other operations in the area
and on Monday had gathered in large numbers to defend
on of the madrassas. 

‘About five hudred tribesmen had gathered to resists
operations” sources said. 

Government officials when approached said that tribal
maliks were cooperating with them and had promised
that they could provide every help to the forces sent
by the government of Pakistan. 

The madrassa that was seracehd a few days back was
established by an Afghan Taliban leader Jalal ud din

Other religious schools that are said to be the
targets of impending operations are also associated
with the same group. 

Pakistan has been trying to keep any such developments
as secret as p[possible to ensure that its fall out
does not effect the internal situation. 

President Musharraf’s bid to seek presidency through
referendum once finally out of the way he will be in
much stronger position on the issue of Pakistan –US
joint operations to root out Al Qaeda. 

Although neither US or Pakistan government has not
released any details of the people arrested after the
raid on Friday, some of the sources said that five
people were arrested in that operation. 

But none of them was an Arab national and all were
Afghans having links with Taliban leadership. 

Meanwhile sources said that the US teams had been
patrolling some key cities suspected of Al Qaeda
presence and were trying to intercepts communication
between different cells. 

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