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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject: U.S. to target China with nukes

From: poblachtach dearg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 16:13:54 +0100 (BST)

Subject: [Peoples War] U.S. to target China with nukes

U.S. to target China with nukes
Will turn weapons toward Asian power, away from Russia


Military planners in the United States are shifting nuclear-missile targets
away from old Cold War nemesis Russia and toward what many in the Pentagon
believe is the next likely American military competitor - China.
According to a report in Geostrategy Direct - a weekly Internet-based
intelligence digest, "the new strategic war plan will call for shifting the
focus of targeting the [U.S.] nuclear arsenal - which could range from 1,500
to 2,500 warheads - from Russia to China," according to Defense Department
The Pentagon, said the report, has formed a new counseling board called the
Deterrence Concepts Advisory Panel - which is part of Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld's strategic posture review - to examine the implications of
making the strategic shift.
The panel is headed by Keith B. Payne, president of the National Institute
for Public Policy and a specialist in deterrence, and Kurt Guthe, a former
analyst at that institute, said Geostrategy Direct.
"Defense officials said the strategic review is expected to recommend
targeting large numbers of U.S. nuclear warheads on China as part of a new
strategy of deterring Beijing, which is currently engaged in a major
strategic nuclear arms buildup," said the intelligence digest.
Details of the change in Pentagon nuclear strategy come as President Bush
has offered to allay Chinese concerns about a future U.S.-built missile
defense shield by offering Beijing details of the shield's capabilities.
Also, reports in the New York Times said the administration was willing to
trade China's acceptance of the shield for a buildup of nuclear missiles by
Bush's decision set off a storm of protest, both from Democratic and
Republican leaders.
"I would not like to see the Chinese expand their nuclear capabilities,"
said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., just back from a trip to China. "I think it
is much too soon to even think about matters that offset our missile
The White House denied it was sanctioning any Chinese nuclear weapons
"This is part of the administration's outreach to China and other nations
such as Russia to discuss with them the reason why we are developing a
missile defense system and how it is designed to protect us from rogue
nations or accidental launches," White House spokesman Ari Fleischer told
Reuters in a telephone interview Sunday.
Currently, China only has about 22 ICBMs - mostly outmoded CSS-4 models -
but is currently working on new ones, both of which are road-mobile.
One version, the DF-31, is nearing completion, while a longer-range version,
the DF-41, is under development.
Also, Beijing is constructing a new class of guided missile submarines
outfitted with marinized DF-31s, known as the JL-2, the newsletter reported.
China was removed from the Pentagon targeting list in the 1970s, but
replaced in 1997. 

The new China nuclear strategy is based on two factors: China's arms buildup
and recent Pentagon studies that reveal Beijing will not be deterred from
using its nuclear arms unless it faces a massive retaliation threat from the
United States, Geostrategy Direct said.

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