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From: Cor Groenendijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 8:46 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Fw: [armstrade] (Israel) US Military Aid to Israel To
Rise $200M Annually Beyond $2.4B Ceiling in 2007

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From: sento
To: ArmsTradeList ; Home
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 5:10 AM
Subject: [armstrade] (Israel) US Military Aid to Israel To Rise $200M Annually Beyond
$2.4B Ceiling in 2007

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Ivri: US Military Aid to Israel To Rise $200M Annually Beyond $2.4B Ceiling in 2007
GMP20020424000049 Tel Aviv Ha'aretz (Internet Version-WWW) in English 24 Apr 02
[Report by defense correspondent Amnon Barzilay: "Ivry: U.S. Military Aid To Rise By
$200M A Year"]

    U.S. military aid to Israel is likely to grow by some $200 million a year beyond
the $2.4 billion ceiling it is slated to hit in 2007, former ambassador to Washington
David Ivri said yesterday.

    Ivri completed his Washington posting last week.

    According to an agreement with Washington, U.S. civilian aid to Israel is being
gradually phased out over a 10-year period, while military aid is being increased by
half the amount of the civilian aid cut each year. When the process ends in 2007,
annual military aid will be $2.4 billion.

    But in practice, said Ivri, two joint ventures between the Pentagon and Israel's
Defense Ministry will result in higher aid levels. One of these ventures is the joint
production of the Arrow anti-missile missile, which the United States is funding. The
second is a project to develop an anti-aircraft laser gun.

    The United States has so far invested $33 million in the Arrow production line,
which was set up at a Boeing plant. The line is slated to become operational in 2004,
and Israel has asked for a grant of $600 million over five years ($120 million a year)
to finance actual production.

    The laser gun project (originally called the Nautilus) is expected to cost $250
million over three years. Due to budgetary constraints, the Pentagon will start
funding the project in 2005, but Israel expects that once it begins, it will cover 75
percent of the costs. Until then, the United States has allocated smaller sums ($13
million in 2002, for instance), primarily to keep the scientists involved on payroll.

    Thus by mid-decade, Ivri noted, the Americans are slated to be giving Israel an
extra $200 million a year in military aid.
[Description of Source: Tel Aviv Ha'aretz (Internet Version-WWW) in English --
Left-of-center, independent daily of record; root URL on filing date:]

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