
Tehran Times
July 22, 2002

U.S. Offers Taiwan Israeli Submarines: Report 

TAIPEI -- The United States, which has promised to
sell Taiwan eight submarines, has offered the island
to choose between models made by Germany and Israel,
the mass-circulation ***China Times*** newspaper
reported on Sunday.

The Chinese-language daily, quoting unidentified
sources, said a team of U.S. officials told the island
that Israel's Dolphin class submarine was another
option besides German-built vessels, Reuters said.

The U.S. delegation, which held secret talks with
Taiwan officials last week, asked the military to
present its needs before Washington made a final
decision, the report said.

Taiwan's Defense Ministry declined to comment.

After U.S. President George W. Bush offered last year
to sell Taiwan up to eight diesel-powered submarines,
the question of who would build them for Taiwan has
been up in the air.

The United States has not manufactured diesel
submarines since the 1950s and European countries such
as Germany and the Netherlands have said they would
not export submarines to the diplomatically isolated
island because of fears of angering China.

Beijing views Taiwan as a breakaway province and has
threatened to attack if the democratic island declares
independence or drags its feet on unification talks.

Washington fears China's military buildup could tip
the delicate balance of power in the Taiwan Strait in
favor of Beijing as soon as 2005 and has promised to
help avoid that.

Taiwan has long sought to upgrade its fleet of four
submarines which includes a pair dating from World War
II and two Dutch-made Zwaardvis class submarines.

Taiwan Defense Minister Tang Yiau-Ming said last month
the United States has repeatedly assured Taiwan it was
able to complete the submarine deal and was assessing
qualified shipbuilders around the world.

Germany has denied that it had opened the door to
exporting state-of-the-art conventional submarines to
Taiwan by allowing a U.S. investor to buy a German
shipyard that makes them.

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