
[Cf. today's dispatches concerning the U.S.'s favorite
'President General' Pervez Musharraf receiving 98% of
the vote in a rigged referendum (former Pakistani
presidents Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif refused the
right to return to the country under penalty of
imprisonment or worse) and last week's White House
statement, regarding the U.S. backed coup attempt in
Venezuela, that "it's not democracy just because there
was an election."
Now the US, British and French - which is to say NATO
- monarchical client state of Morocco can finish its
genocidal project in Western Sahara.]

The Independent (UK)
War drums beat again for Polisario Front guerrillas
By Katherine Butler in Laayoune, Western Sahara
01 May 2002
After a cease-fire of more than 10 years, the threat
of renewed war between the Polisario Front and Morocco
was looming yesterday as the United States backed
plans to give Morocco sovereignty over the Western
With the deadline for a UN peacekeeping mandate in the
vast, arid but phosphate-rich territory set to expire,
the US, with strong British backing, is proposing what
it says is a fair compromise to end a 30-year-old
The 15-member Security Council began discussions on
the plan last night, and was expected to extend the UN
mission by three months to give the deeply divided
members more time to discuss the issue.
Algerian-backed Polisario Front guerrillas went to war
against Morocco in 1975 after the kingdom annexed the
territory following the departure of the Spanish
colonists. The struggle which ensued created one of
the world's largest and by now most forgotten
humanitarian crises. Tens of thousands of Saharan
refugees, most descended from nomadic desert tribes,
are still stranded inside Algeria to this day.
The US proposal, which Morocco supports, gives Rabat
ultimate sovereignty over the Western Sahara, although
the territory would have wide-ranging autonomy. The
brainchild of James Baker, the former US Secretary of
State, the plan has angered the Sahrawi independence
movement. Not only does it quash any hopes of
independence, it all but abandons a long-standing UN
commitment to allow the Western Sahara people to
determine their future in a referendum.
A UN ceasefire was brokered in 1991 on the promise of
a referendum. But disputes over who could vote in this
semi-nomadic, semi-literate society have raged for
nearly a decade. Last night a senior British diplomat
said: "It is quite clear a referendum is never going
to be implemented.''
Meanwhile on both sides of the 2000km wall of sand and
landmines that runs the length of the border with
Algeria, families are divided and allegations of
disappearances, unlawful detentions and torture
After a 10-year impasse, a Moroccan diplomatic
offensive led by the young King Mohammed the Sixth
appears to be paying dividends. Many Western
governments appear to believe that this is a good
opportunity to forge a favourable relationship with a
liberal-minded Islamic ruler .
Laayoune, the capital of the Western Sahara, could
hardly be depicted as a war zone. UN peacekeepers have
so little to do they call their mission Club Med. But
in modest homes off the city's run-down side streets,
Saharan activists warned of a "return to guerrilla
war'' if the UN withdraws and the Baker plan is
imposed without a referendum.
"Self-determination is sacred for the Sahrawi
people,'' said Dahaa Ramouni, a member of a Sahrawi
human rights group. "If that is denied us, although we
don't want it, the danger is the Polisario will resume
Sidi Mohammed Dadesh, a veteran of the Polisario
campaign, said: "We want a referendum and anyone who
wants another solution wants a return to war.''
Algeria's reaction is crucial. Rivalry between the
neighbouring states for the Western Sahara's phosphate
reserves, its offshore oil potential and its strategic
location on the Atlantic, is at the route of the
conflict.Hamid Chabar, the king's appointee to the
territory, suggested yesterday that Morocco would be
ready to grant Algeria access to the Atlantic as part
of a settlement.
Despite the Polisario's rhetoric, the diplomatic
battle is not going their way. Morocco has worked
effectively to undermine the movement's claims to
nationhood by bringing thousands of people into the
territory who claim to be Sahrawi. More than 20,000
nomads have been camped in Laayoune since 1991 waiting
for a referendum. A mother in a breeze-block hut
decorated with artificial flowers and a television set
said yesterday: "We came here as a show of loyalty to
Morocco. If there is no vote, that is God's will.''

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