
AP. 19 March 2003. Listening devices found in EU offices used by France,
Germany, Britain, others.

BRUSSELS -- Electronic bugging devices were found in offices used by
several countries, including France and Germany, in a building where a
European Union summit will open Thursday, EU officials said.

The EU is investigating the bugging in a headquarters building but does
not yet know who was behind it, EU spokesman Dominique-George Marro said

EU diplomats said listening devices were found in offices used by
France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Britain and Austria. They were discovered
Feb. 28 during regular security sweeps by EU security services.

The French newspaper Le Figaro broke the story Wednesday, saying Belgian
police identified the bugs as American.

The bugs had not been announced because investigators thought they had a
better chance of catching the culprits if the find was kept secret.

In Paris, a spokesman for President Jacques Chirac's UMP party said he
was "surprised, very astonished and profoundly shocked" by the

"Everything concerning illegal devices, everything concerning the
surveillance of friendly countries ... is a pure and real scandal,"
Francois Baroin said.

Georg Possanner, a spokesman for the Austrian delegation, was quoted by
the Austrian Press Agency as saying the bugging was a "totally
professional work."

Leaders of the 15 EU nations are scheduled to meet Thursday and Friday
at the building for their annual spring summit, during which they also
are expected to discuss the Iraqi crisis.

Two years ago, the European Parliament investigated reports that a
U.S.-led global spy network dubbed "Echelon" allegedly snooped on
Europe's business community.

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