what's that saying: everything he touches turns into suffering?
Carter to Mediate Venezuela Talks  Sun Jun 30,12:21 PM ET
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Former President Jimmy Carter will visit Venezuela next week to mediate talks between the government and its opposition, which have been locked in a power struggle since a failed coup.
Jennifer McCoy, of the Atlanta-based Carter Center, told reporters Saturday that Carter may be able to help break the political deadlock when he visits beginning July 6.
"The delegation has been impressed by the deep commitment to democracy and strong support among Venezuelans for a peaceful resolution to the divisions within the country," said McCoy, who headed Carter Center delegation that met with President Hugo Chavez, government and opposition politicians and others.
Carter's visit comes at the invitation of Chavez, who is hoping the former U.S. president can help persuade opposition politicians, business and labor leaders to join government-sponsored reconciliation talks.
The talks began after Chavez survived an April coup in which military generals toppled him following an opposition march in which 18 people died and hundreds were wounded.
The left-leaning former paratrooper regained power in less than 48 hours after the coup sparked more deadly demonstrations, military protests and international condemnation.
Chavez promised a more conciliatory government, firing some unpopular Cabinet ministers and vowing changes to some statist new economic laws staunchly opposed by the business community.
Prominent opposition parties, however, distrust Chavez and are campaigning for an early referendum on Chavez's rule. Many Venezuelans fear a repeat of April's violence.
Despite a deepening economic recession, Chavez still enjoys widespread support and admiration from millions of poor Venezuelans. Many believe he liberated the country from the grasp of two corrupt political parties and admire his efforts to bring social equality to Venezuela.

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