
Yugoslavia Greets Hague Cooperation Act with Caution and Chaos

Radio B92

BELGRADE, Apr 12, 2002 -- The United States yesterday gave a reserved
welcome to the passage of Yugoslavia's Hague cooperation legislation
without any decision on whether it would open the way for new U.S. aid. 

State Department spokesman Philip Reeker said that Yugoslavia was
already obliged under international law to hand over suspects and
Washington would be waiting to see whether Belgrade "followed through
with urgent and effective action". 

"No hope" for Stojiljkovic 

There is now no hope that former interior minister Vlajko Stojiljkovic
will survive, a representative of the Belgrade Emergency Centre said a
short time ago. 

Stojiljkovic, who shot himself in the head on the steps of the Federal
Parliament last night, is on a respirator, unable to breathe unaided. 

His blood pressure is being maintained only with infusions, said the
spokesman, and it is now only a matter of time until his hearts ceases

Kostunica slams international community over Stojiljkovic 

The suicide attempt by former police minister Vlajko Stojiljkovic on the
steps of the Federal Parliament building is a warning to the
international community, Vojislav Kostunica said today. 

The federal president said that one section of the international
community was constantly setting conditions, dictating actions and
applying pressure to Belgrade. 

"The Hague Tribunal is a reality. Prejudice against Serbs is another
reality and the blaming of Serbs for almost every ill which has happened
in this region is recent years is also a reality, however unjust this
may be," said Kostunica. 

"Unfortunately, this evening's tragic event is also a reality, painful
and regrettable as it is," he added. 

It was unfortunate that the law on cooperation with the Hague Tribunal
should have been passed under duress, said the president, because this
had robbed the state of a chance to pass legislation which would protect
the interests of the individual and the state and help shed light on
past wars and crimes. 

"We are also all to blame for not beginning war crimes proceedings in
our own courts much sooner," he added. 

Kostunica called for a middle course to be steered between total
defiance of Western attitudes and uncritical acceptance of any demands
made from abroad. 

"It is in all our best interests and especially the best interests of
the state for International Criminal Tribunal indictees to receive the
highest level of legal protection and assistance that we can offer as
long as the tribunal continues to exist," said the president. 

He also called for Stojiljkovic's suicide attempt to be seen as the
closing of a circle of endless mutual recriminations "so that we are not
swamped by another wave of tragedy". 

Socialists to march on Belgrade "to finish off the traitors" 

Socialist Party supporters are to rally in all major regional towns of
Serbia this evening before heading for Belgrade, the party's
secretary-general told protesters in front of the Federal Parliament

Zoran Andjelkovic, speaking to party faithful who had gathered to
demonstrate over the attempted suicide of Milosevic hatchet man Vlajko
Stojiljkovic, said that protests would be held in between 7.00 and 8.00
p.m. today in all towns except Belgrade. 

Party official Dejan Backovic added that the assembled branch members
would come to Belgrade "to finish off these traitors here". 

"Then we'll go all the way and there'll be no stopping us," he added. 

New Mass Grave Discovered in Bosnia 

In a related development Thirty-seven bodies have been exhumed from a
mass grave discovered yesterday about a hundred kilometres northwest of

The head of the Bosnian Committee for Missing Persons, Amor Masovic,
said the bodies were believed to be Bosnian Muslims killed by Serb
forces during the Bosnian war. 

"According to eye-witnesses, these people were killed in June, 1992, by
Serb forces," said Masovic. 

C Radio B92, 2002. Distributed in partnership with Globalvision News
Network ( All rights reserved. 



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