
- At about 6 A.M. last Monday, an Israeli army megaphone called on all 
the men and male youths in Deheisheh refugee camp to come out of 
their homes and assemble in the area of the nearby Nassar stone 
quarry. It's estimated in Deheisheh that between 1,000 and 1,200 men 
from the camp and from the adjacent village of Artis came to the 
quarry, which became a stockade. 

- The men and boys - aged 14 and up - were blindfolded and their hands 
were bound. According to descriptions given by Palestinians who were 
there, they remained in the quarry until night, wearing only their 
underclothing, without food and without medicines for those who 
needed to take them. Late at night nearly all of them were released 
and only a few dozen were taken away for interrogation by the Shin 
Bet security service. There were no top wanted individuals among the 

Written by Israeli journalist Gideon Levy on March 17, 2002
in Ha'aretz Newspaper
In the name of us all 

By Gideon Levy 

An Israeli soldier blindfolds a Palestinian last week in the 
Deheishe refugee camp, where all males over the age of 14 were 
rounded up. For them it was a day of humiliation and torture, which 
they will not soon forget. 
(Photo: Reuters) 

At about 6 A.M. last Monday, an Israeli army megaphone called on all 
the men and male youths in Deheisheh refugee camp to come out of 
their homes and assemble in the area of the nearby Nassar stone 
quarry. It's estimated in Deheisheh that between 1,000 and 1,200 men 
from the camp and from the adjacent village of Artis came to the 
quarry, which became a stockade. 

The men and boys - aged 14 and up - were blindfolded and their hands 
were bound. According to descriptions given by Palestinians who were 
there, they remained in the quarry until night, wearing only their 
underclothing, without food and without medicines for those who 
needed to take them. Late at night nearly all of them were released 
and only a few dozen were taken away for interrogation by the Shin 
Bet security service. There were no top wanted individuals among the 

Those who were released were ordered to return to their homes 
holding their hands up. For them it was a day of humiliation and 
torture, which they will not soon forget. Who among us can imagine 
enduring this kind of false mass arrest? Can we imagine our 
children, aged 14 and 15, being taken at dawn to a quarry, being 
tied up and then being humiliated for so many hours, even though 
they had done nothing wrong? Would we not develop a feeling of 
hatred and a desire for revenge against those who behaved in this 

Last week, thousands of Palestinian men throughout the West Bank, 
from Jenin to Bethlehem, were subjected to this kind of mass false 
arrest. How many were arrested? Who's counting? The spokesman of the 
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said, after checking the matter, that he 
does not know the exact number. He only made sure the humiliation 
marches were photographed, so that the Israeli public could see the 
bound, half-naked detainees. 

But the arrests were not the worst of the blows that have befallen 
the Palestinian population since Prime Minister Ariel Sharon 
declared that the Palestinians had to be treated roughly. "They need 
a bashing," Sharon asserted at the beginning of the month in the 
Knesset cafeteria. The result was that approximately 170 
Palestinians were killed, about 10 a day on average. Among the dead, 
according to the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, are 12 
children and teenagers, only 11 members of the security forces, 
three members of medical teams including two physicians, and one 
foreign journalist. 

Staff of Physicians for Human Rights take desperate calls for help 
every day. On Tuesday, soldiers opened fire at a Red Cross ambulance 
after shooting at an ambulance in Tul Karm the day before, and the 
following day the oxygen at the hospital in Ramallah ran out and the 
IDF refused to allow oxygen to be brought from Jenin. Nurses were 
evacuated from their residences in Ramallah, physicians did not 
reach the hospitals in Bethlehem, medical teams did not succeed in 
evacuating people who were bleeding to death in the refugee camps. 
The maternity hospital in El Bireh was shelled. 

In Tul Karm, members of medical teams burst into tears during a 
visit of representatives of Physicians for Human Rights and said 
they were afraid to go out in order to evacuate the wounded. Tanks 
were stationed at the entrance to the government hospital in 
Ramallah, and a serious shortage of bandages and medicines was 
registered at the Arab Care Hospital, as in others. 

Most of the suffering was experienced by the entire population: 
Hundreds of thousands of residents were kept under terrifying house 
arrest. Many were evicted from their homes to forced to spend long 
days with dozens of neighbors who are half-strangers in the same 
apartment. There were tanks in the streets, bombers and attack 
helicopters in the skies, frightened children held captive in their 
homes, old people and the ill who were denied any type of medical 
assistance, no stores and in some cases no electricity or running 
water, and violent searches conducted by soldiers in the houses. It 
was all inflicted on an entire nation - collective punishment on a 
scale not previously known. 

Israelis had hardly any knowledge of this suffering and it seems not 
to have affected them. Insulated in their own suffering, with the 
fear of Palestinian terrorism lurking in every corner, they really 
don't care what happens to the other. Most Israeli physicians did 
not bat an eyelash in the light of the deadly attack on their 
colleagues; Israeli journalists did not protest the killing of their 
Italian colleague; and lawyers did not speak out when red lines of 
international rules of law in war were crossed. 

The Israeli suffering was widely described in the media, as is 
proper, but the Palestinian suffering, which is far more severe, was 
barely mentioned in the media. 

This insensitivity and this exclusive focus on ourselves and our 
suffering is nothing new, though in the past few weeks it has 
deteriorated to new depths of uncaring. There was almost no mention 
in Israel of the large numbers of Palestinians who were killed, and 
the fact that just a few minutes from Jerusalem, tens of thousands 
of people were held captive, bombed from the air and went hungry, 
was not discussed in the country's lively public discourse. 

This not only a moral issue, it is also a utilitarian one. In the 
past two weeks, more and more seeds of hatred against Israel have 
been sown. In the name of all Israelis, the IDF perpetrated deeds 
that are intolerable and unacceptable. The fact that the majority of 
Israelis didn't want to hear or see what was going on does not 
exempt us from responsibility. Nor does it reduce the intensity of 
the damage that has been caused to Israel by these pointless 
actions. Those who were humiliated at the quarry will exact their 
revenge. We will all pay the price.


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