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Note to our readers:

Throughout the week, washingtonpost.com will be providing continuously updated coverage of the apparent terrorist attacks, including video reports from MSNBC and other sources. Our home page has been trimmed down to allow fast, updated access to the latest news and multimedia coverage.

We are currently providing breaking news stories and video from New York City, Washington, D.C., and elsewhere. In addition, we are posting the texts of statements related to the attacks, live discussions are taking place with leading experts and Post reporters and editors, and graphics and maps are available on the site. As always, stories from the next day's edition of The Washington Post are available on washingtonpost.com every night.

For those readers in the Washington area, a special edition of The Washington Post newspaper will be available on newsstands late Tuesday afternoon.

All of our coverage related to these events can be found on our home page at www.washingtonpost.com.

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