> Hi Johannes,
> > The problem lies in the fact the for current state of the CSharp2 target I 
> > didn't release any binaries because of a bug which kills the execution of 
> > an example grammar. I'm currently backporting the CSharp3 runtime to 
> > isolate if the error is in the runtime or in the templates for the code 
> > generation. In the meantime use CSharp3 instead.
> Thanks! I tried the CSharp3 target but I seem to get some basic
> syntactical errors:
> > PHPParser\PhpLexer.cs(4996,6): error CS1009: Unrecognized escape sequence
> When I look at that line it's got some clear problems with how it's
> escaping characters:
> > const string DFA4_eotS = "\3\uffff\1\7\5\uffff\1\7";
> Which in CSharp2 is generated (correctly) as:
>  const string DFA4_eotS = "\x03\uffff\x01\x07\x05\uffff\x01\x07";
> This was generated using antlr 3.1.3. I tried generating with the
> latest version but got even more errors of a different kind:
> > error CS0308: The non-generic type 'Antlr.Runtime.ParserRuleReturnScope' 
> > cannot be used with type arguments
> at this line of code:
> > public class prog_return : ParserRuleReturnScope<IToken>, 
> > IAstRuleReturnScope<CommonTree>
> Is there a particular ANTLR version / ANTLR runtime version that I
> should use with these? (in all cases here I'm using the DLLs from the
> latest ANTLR-3.3, not sure if that's the right thing to do here
> either).

Did you read the other emails stating you may have a grammar which is meant to 
work with Java? If possible pls attach the grammar to the email, so we can 
check this and any other errors. I forgot which ANTLR versions require what 
runtimes exactly, but you need 3.1 or 3.2 for CSharp2. CSharp3 requires ANTLR 
3.3 and other assemblies than I've provided, as the targets aren't compatible 
with each other yet. Not sure if those assemblies are provided in distro or 
where else you can find them. Sam should know more.

> > Sorry for the less-than-ideal situation. :(
> Not at all - I appreciate your efforts to do it in the first place!
> Cheers,
> Simon
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