Hi all,

I have this simple grammar 

grammar test;
options {
  language = Java;
  output = AST;

                a*B  ->^(B a*)
                | A

B       :

A       :

and I get the following output when I try to generate the parser in ANTRLWorks 

[13:48:53] error(210):  The following sets of rules are mutually left-recursive 

I read on the Web that there are solutions to solve this, however they will 
mess up the associativity, which I need to keep instead.
So, for instance, for the input 


the AST tree should be

^(B ^(B A))

Is there any way to change the grammar in order to eliminate the left recursion 
and obtain the above tree. I am afraid I do not get how to do it by just 
looking at what is there online about left recursive grammars.

Thanks a lot for your help,


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