On Tuesday 09:01 PM 7/21/2009, Mark Aufflick wrote:
You say that "This bug ONLY occurs with an AOLserver client (any
version) running against an AOLserver 4 / nsopenssl 3.0beta26 server"
- so you're saying this issue doesn't occur when using httpsget
against, say, Apache?

Yes, that's correct. As I mention in the bug report, we were unable to reproduce the bug in any of these scenarios:

- AOLserver client talking to an Apache server
- AOLserver client talking to a Java server
- wget client talking to an AOLserver server
- Firefox/IE client talking to an AOLserver server

And, crucially, it also doesn't happen with an AOLserver client (any version) running against an AOLserver 3/nsopenssl 2.1a server. For the bug to occur, the server *must* be AOLserver 4 with nsopenssl 3.0beta26.

It seems very odd that it would be server specific - that would fall
in that painful bug category of "If I wanted that behaviour I have no
idea how I would code it"!

Actually, I think you're going on the assumption that it's a client bug, but it appears to me that it's a server bug (since an AOLserver 4/nsopenssl 3.0beta26 server is the consistent feature of the failing scenarios). The odd part to me is that only an AOLserver client triggers the bug.

By the way, this isn't a theoretical problem; we ran into this bug because Arena's web application comprises multiple services which sometimes make client calls to one another via SSL. When we tried to migrate from AOLserver 3/nsopenssl 2.1a to AOLserver 4/nsopenssl 3.0beta26, we saw occasional and seemingly random failures on various pages--and after a lot of investigation we managed to narrow it down to this bug. This is actually just one of several SSL-related issues that have prevented us from migrating to AOLserver 4 (but we haven't investigated all of them as deeply as this one, and so we're hoping this is the root cause of all of them).

- John

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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