I installed nsftp this weekend but either its broken or I am missing

My goal is to have an ftp client continuously connected to the ftp module.
Every minute or so it will send a NOOP to keep it idle.  From looking at the
source, I need to have the following in the config:

    ns_param   FtpClientTimeout 0
    ns_param   FtpAllowKeepAlive true

Still, the client times out after a few minutes of inactivity.  What am I
missing or doing wrong?

Here is the full ftp config from nsd.tcl:

ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nsftp"
ns_param   FtpPort         8021
ns_param   FtpHostname     $hostname
ns_param   FtpAddress      $address
ns_param   FtpAllowAnonymous  false
ns_param   FtpAllowChangeMode off
ns_param   FtpAllowKeepAlive true
ns_param   FtpRunServerTraces false
ns_param   FtpSysLog       on
ns_param   FtpDebug        on
ns_param   FtpXferLog      on
ns_param   FtpClientTimeout 0


Daniel P. Stasinski

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