>Number:         2580
>Category:       general
>Synopsis:       CGI/
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    apache
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   apache
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Jul  9 20:50:00 PDT 1998
>Originator:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Release:        1.3.0
All Unix variants
Some consideration should be given to the use of initgroups() in 
set_group_privs() with MULTIPLE_GROUPS undefined by default. 

With MULTIPLE_GROUPS undefined, an attempt to execute a script which 
is group executable and whose group is not that used for the setgid() 
but is in the supplementary group list will fail do to permissions 
checks in ap_can_exec().  A CGI script can be written which exploits 
the permissions available to the groups in the script’s supplementary 
groups.  This, of course, could include programs that are setuid.  

Although this is basically "normal" behavior, the effect of 
MULTIPLE_GROUPS being undefined (by default) is not.  It is odd and 
misleading: a CGI script which can't be exec'd by Apache, can be 
exec'd by another script which was exec'd by Apache.

Of course this won’t effect most configurations (i.e. those which 
choose appropriate uid/gids), but given Apache’s prevalence that 
leaves lots of susceptible installations.

It’s probably not wise at this point to define MULTIPLE_GROUPS as 
the default.  Using setgroups() to set the supplementary group 
list with just the one gid instead of using initgroups() (when 
MULTIPLE_GROUPS is not defined) would be simple, safer, and not 
effect existing installations (I can’t imagine anyone is making 
use of supplementary groups without defining MULTIPLE_GROUPS).

PR#1001 addresses a related topic.

If you concur, I'll write a patch.



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