Aish Raj Dahal <> writes:

>> In the above example, I have noticed that the "ukar" symbol of
>> Devnagari is not being rendered so ????? is being seen as ???.
>> There is also a problem with rendering of "half letters" (sorry, i do
>> not know the linguistic term for it). Here is an example of what I
>> mean:
>> echo "computer"|apertium en-ne
>> ??????
>> In the above example the word ?computer? should have given ?????????
> I get ????????? -- the problem is with your terminal not rendering the
> combining characters, not with Apertium. gnome-terminal is known to
> have issues with Devanagari, is that what you're using?
> Well, I guessed so. I am using the terminal "Konsole" under KDE 4.6 (Kubunutu 
> 11.04). Is
> there a way to work around this problem?

I get the same behaviour under Konsole on Arch Linux with KDE 4.6:

$ echo computer | apertium -d . en-ne

while piping into a file gives me कम्प्युटर

It seems to be a known bug, with a patch (last one from 2 years ago?) if
you feel like recompiling:

But it might be quicker to just install gnome-terminal/xterm/something
else. Or open emacs and do M-x shell, which displays it correctly :)

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer

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